
fork of the docker-library/golang alpine version

Primary LanguageShell

Golang 1.10beta1 Docker image on alpine 3.6

DockerPulls DockerStars

The official golang docker repo doesn't contains the beta release of 1.10 yet. This repo is the fork of docker-library/golang, but only cares about golang on alpine3.6 (smallest, and most secure)


Use it as ususal. If you were using golang/alpine or golang/1.9.2-alpine3.6 or similar, just replace the image name to banzaicloud/golang:v1.10beta1

Check the version

$ docker run banzaicloud/golang:v1.10beta1 go version
go version go1.10beta1 linux/amd64


One of the main changes in go1.10 is the build cache. The release notes draft says:

The go build command now maintains a cache of recently built packages, separate from the installed packages ... The effect of the cache should be to speed builds ... The old advice to add the -i flag for speed, as in go build -i or go test -i, is no longer necessary: builds run just as fast without -i

To take advantage of this new feature, mount the go build cache into a name volume: -v go-build:/root/.cache/go-build So you can build your project like:

  docker run \
    -v $PWD:/go/src/github/myswlf/myproject \
    -w /go/src/github/myswlf/myproject \
    -v go-build:/root/.cache/go-build/ \
    go build .

For the first time it will take longer, but for repeated builds it will be crazy fast: just a couple of sec.

Go1.10 introduces: go env GOCACHE

  • $HOME/.cache/go-build (linux)
  • $HOME/Library/Caches/go-build (mac)
  • %LocalAppData%/go-build (win)

Changes from original

2 changes were made:

  • source patches are removed (they dont fit the 1.10 branch, so they are just removed)
  • GOLANG_VERSION env variable is set to 1.10beta1