
Kubernetes, Emacs, done!

Primary LanguageEmacs LispApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Kubed is a rich Kubernetes interface within Emacs. It helps you work with your Kubernetes clusters and deployments with the full power of kubectl, and with the comfort and confidence of an intuitive interactive interface.


Pod context menu

Resource fields explorer

You can use Kubed to:

  • Browse and manage Kubernetes workloads
  • Connect to pods and edit files or execute commands
  • Create new resources, edit and delete them
  • Work with multiple clusters
  • Get help about various Kubernetes objects
  • ...

Getting Started

Get Kubed from GNU ELPA with M-x package-install, or use your favorite Emacs package manager to install Kubed from Git. You can clone the Kubed Git repository from any of the following locations:

To get started with Kubed, all you need is kubectl and Emacs. Bind kubed-prefix-map to a convenient key (e.g. C-c k or M-K), or use M-x kubed-transient to explore some of the available commands.

For more information about usage and customization, see the Kubed manual in Info or online at https://eshelyaron.com/kubed.html