
CMAK (prev. Kafka Manager) and cmak2zk docker images

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CMAK (prev. Kafka Manager) and cmak2zk docker images


CMAK uses Zookeeper only as storage for own settings. I.e. Zookeeper only plays role of a local database. CMAK is unable to detect Kafka cluster from provided Zookeper, Kafka cluster settings must be provided explicitely.

It's recommended to always run dedicated Zookeeper instance to be used by CMAK.

Use docker-compose with following content:

version: '3.6'
    image: zookeeper:latest
    restart: always
      ZOO_SERVERS: server.1=;2181
    image: ghcr.io/eshepelyuk/dckr/cmak-
    restart: always
      - "9000:9000"
      ZK_HOSTS: "zk:2181"

To quickly launch the file above, execute

$ curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eshepelyuk/cmak-docker/master/examples/docker-compose-sample.yaml | \
    docker-compose -f - up


CMAK application configuration

CMAK reads its configuration from file /cmak/conf/application.conf. Every parameter could be overriden via JVM system property, i.e. -DmyProp=myVal. Properties are passed to CMAK container via docker arguments.

For example, to enable basic authentication and configure zookeeper hosts using docker-compose:

version: '3.6'
    image: zookeeper:latest
    restart: always
      ZOO_SERVERS: server.1=;2181
    image: ghcr.io/eshepelyuk/dckr/cmak-
    restart: always
      - "-Dcmak.zkhosts=zk:2181"
      - "-DbasicAuthentication.enabled=true"
      - "-DbasicAuthentication.username=username"
      - "-DbasicAuthentication.password=password"
      - "9000:9000"

To quickly launch the file above, execute

$ curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eshepelyuk/cmak-docker/master/examples/docker-compose-override.yaml | \
    docker-compose -f - up

Kafka clusters configuration with cmak2zk

CMAK doesn't provide tools to preconfigure managed Kafka clusters from files. It could be done either via HTTP API or via CMAK UI in browser. This could be inconvenient for declarative configuration or GitOps flow.

Its purpose is to take Kafka cluster configuration for CMAK in YAML format and populate CMAK compatible config in Zookeeper. This allows to avoid manual configuration of CMAK and provides better possibilities to use CMAK in declarative configuration.

cmak2zk is distributed as docker image.

To check out available options, run the image without parameters.

docker run ghcr.io/eshepelyuk/dckr/cmak2zk:latest

Example docker-compose and Kafka cluster configuration are located at cmak2zk/examples directory. One could run them using commands below.

curl -sLo clusters.yaml \

curl -sLo docker-compose-cmak2zk.yaml \

docker-compose -f docker-compose-cmak2zk.yaml up

Wait for some time until components are stabilizing, it may take up to 5 mins. Then, open your browser at http://localhost:9000. There should be two pre-configured clusters, pointing to the same Kafka instance, running in Docker.

Usage in Kubernetes

It is possible to use dedicated CMAK operator for installing and configuring CMAK in Kubernetes. That operator uses this docker image as one of its component.

Installation instructions available at CMAK operator homepage.