Soccer Logger

js-standard-style Code Coverage


To provide a football event tracking tool with a logic similar to that of the most popular football games (Fifa, Pes). There are already platforms that deal with tracking this data but they often have high costs and therefore are accessible only to large teams, this has created the idea of ​​an open source software accessible to all competitive levels.


The code in this repository implements Event Tagging Interface, a web application πŸ’» which allows a user to define temporal window of events from soccer ⚽ video broadcasts using a gamepad πŸ•ΉοΈ.


Normal User


1.Check if Python is already installed in your pc
1.1. open prompt

$ py --version

1.2. if the version is 3.9.4 or later, it's ok. else download and instal python
2. Download and Dezip SoccerLogger github
download 3. Now install all necessary dependencing with pip, automatically installed with python 3.9.4($ py -m pip --version )

$ py -m pip install -r requirements.txt


Coming Soon :joy:


Coming Soon :joy:

Developer User

Is possible clone the repository github in your IDE.

$ git clone

When you installed all dependencing you can run or modify the program.
The program is divide into:

Function File
Web Pages manager
GamePad controller templeates/events_tagging.html
Second Interface templeates/events_tagging.html
First Interface templates/home.html
Speech Recognition static/speech_recognition/SR.js
Coordinate drawing control static/gamedirection/direction.js
"" static/gamedirection/sketch.js
Customizable files static/game/
Save array management static/my_json/data_json.js

Run the interface

1.Move in Event tagging interface

$ cd "Event Tagging Interface"


$ python

Once launched, on your shell you should have a success message such as the following: bash
3.Now, you can access the interface from a browser, by accessing the following url:

4.Select file json with propertys of the match and file mp4 with the match video, when upload is complete ( an alert comes out ) press Start Game.

first interface

Now select all tags


Commands Enjoy πŸ˜ƒ πŸ‘

Demo πŸ‘‰ Watch it here.

6.Once the matches are annotated, click on the save buttom and a json file with the annotation, is saved in the path Event Tagging Interface/Data/"Name match"/json/.


  • Gamepad control
  • Customizable Event types
  • No login required
  • Open Source
  • Offline support (Speech Recogintion doesn't work offline)



Events which can be chosen are parameterizable, the file soccerLogger-main\Event Tagging Interface\static\game\extra_tag\extra_tag.json contains all keys used in the program.
Standard Events are

  • "Pass"
  • "Cross"
  • "Shot"
  • "Duel"
  • "Game Stop"

To extends and personalized all these events there are multiple Extra Tags for each events (in the same file).



The properties of the match (bech, lineup, name teams... etc) are editing when you upload the json file in first interface.
there is a sample file of the structure required for the program to function properly [prova_match.json]



flask: control all html pages with they requests "GET" - "POST" and interfaces flask
p5: draws the starting and ending position on the field p5
gamecontroller: capture and manage all the buttons pressed on the gamepad gamecontroller
speech recognition: capture the microphone to select player number speech recognition
Besides these there are some personal functions in this project.


All tests are manualy, I try all type of posible combination of button, but if ther is an error, plese write me.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Authors and acknowledgement


if you need, you can email at

Video and Music