

Insurance QA data formatted as Python objects and pickled.

Example usage

Clone locally

git clone
cd insurance_qa_python
pwd # where files are stored

Load a file in Python

import pickle

def load(file_name):
  return pickle.load(open(os.path.join(path, file_name), 'rb'))

About files:

  • vocabulary: dict object of (word index <int> -> word <str>) relationships
  • answers: dict object of (answer index <int> -> word indices <list of ints>) relationships
  • train: list of dict (one dict per entry), where each dict has:
    • question: the word indices for the question
    • answers: the answer indices for each of the question's ground truth
  • dev / test1 / test2: list of dict (one dict per entry), where each dict has:
    • question: the word indices for the question
    • good: the ground truth
    • bad: the other answers from the dataset



Applying Deep Learning to Answer Selection: A Study and An Open Task
Minwei Feng, Bing Xiang, Michael R. Glass, Lidan Wang, Bowen Zhou ASRU 2015