
Protocol to Access White Space database

Primary LanguageRust


PAWS - Protocol to Access White Space database. It is based on RFC 7545.


  • Install Rust.
  • Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/eshikafe/paws.git
  • Change directory: cd paws
  • Development mode: Start the PAWS server with cargo run --bin paws-server
  • Production mode: Run: cargo build --release --bin paws-server and .\target\release\paws-server.exe
  • Access the API via URL http://localhost:3030/v1beta/

How to create a binary

  • cd paws
  • cargo build --release --bin paws-server

PAWS API Documentation

API version: v1beta.
This is the API documentation for the PAWS protocol.



This endpoint returns the PAWS protocol version.

Method Path
GET /paws/version

Sample Request

curl --request GET localhost:3030/v1beta/paws/version

Sample Response:

    "pawsVersion": "1.0"


This endpoint starts the PAWS Initialization request procedure. It allows you to send the PAWS INIT_REQ message. It returns a PAWS INIT_RESP message.

Method Path
POST /paws/init

Sample Request

curl --request POST localhost:3030/v1beta/paws/init \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spectrum.paws.init",
"params": {
    "type": "INIT_REQ",
    "version": "1.0",
    "deviceDesc": {
      "serialNumber": "XXX",
      "fccId": "YYY",
      "rulesetIds": ["NccTvBandWhiteSpace-2019"]
    "location": {
        "point": {
            "center": {"latitude": 37.0, "longitude": -101.3}
"id": "idString"

Sample Response:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
     "type": "INIT_RESP",
     "version": "1.0",
     "rulesetInfos": [
         "authority": "ng",
         "rulesetId": "NccTvBandWhiteSpace-2010",
         "maxLocationChange": 100,
         "maxPollingSecs": 86400
    "id": "xxxxxx"