This repository contains the terraform file code, which we can use to provision the Amazon EKS cluster as part of Project 4 of our 10WeeksofCloudOps series! In this comprehensive hands-on project, we dive deep into the world of GitOps and ArgoCD, demonstrating how to implement these essential DevOps practices step by step by dockerizing the application and provisioning the infrastructure using Terraform(this repo).
Follow the below steps to Install the Terraform and another dependency.
1️⃣ Clone the repo
git clone
2️⃣ Let's install dependency to deploy the application
cd kube_terraform/ToDo-App/
terraform init
3️⃣ Edit the below file according to your configuration
vim kube_terraform/ToDo-App/
add below code
terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "S3-BUCKET-NAME"
key = "backend/TFSTATE-FILE.tfstate"
region = "us-east-1"
dynamodb_table = "DYNAMODB-TABLE-NAME"
Let's set up the variable for our Infrastructure and create one file with the name of terraform.tfvars inside kube_terraform/ToDo-App/ and add the below conntent into that file.
REGION = "us-east-1"
Please note that the above file is crucial for setting up the infrastructure, so pay close attention to the values you enter for each variable.
It's time to build the infrastructure
The below command will tell you what terraform is going to create.
terraform plan
Finally, HIT the below command to create the infrastructure...
terraform apply
type yes, and it will prompt you for permission or use --auto-approve in the command above.
This project contains Three GitHub repositories
➡️ [App Code] (
➡️ [Terraform code] (
➡️ [Manifest Repo] (