
Code that produces corrections for Level 1 trigger jet energies. For legacy GCT, Stage 1 or Stage 2.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

#L1 Jet Energy Corrections/Calibrations (JEC)

The code in here calculates & tests corrections for jets produced by the Level 1 trigger.

This applies to:

  • Legacy GCT
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2


You will need to install first:

  • If at Bristol: htcondenser python library for submitting HTCondor jobs at Bristol

Installation (GCT or Stage 1)

# To re-run the RCT emulator you MUST use 742 or newer otherwise untold pain
# Check it has Boost v1.57 or newer for RCT calibs
# Also need Python 2.7 or newer for argparse module
cmsrel CMSSW_7_4_2
cd CMSSW_7_4_2/src

# Stage 1 emulator - do this first
git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter
# L1DPG Ntuples package
git clone https://github.com/cms-l1-dpg/L1Ntuples.git L1TriggerDPG/L1Ntuples
# This package
git clone git@github.com:raggleton/L1JetEnergyCorrections.git L1Trigger/L1JetEnergyCorrections

# Build it all
scram b -j9
# to run unit tests
scram b runtests
# optional - to make documentation:
cd L1Trigger/L1JetEnergyCorrections/doc
doxygen Doxyfile # html documentation in html/index.html
# To build pdf documentation (produces latex/refman.pdf):
# cd latex; make

Installation (Stage 2)

See the L1T TWiki page for recommended release and branch to get the L1TCalorimeter package: SWGuideL1TOfflineDev and the L1CaloUpgradeOfflineAnalysis Twiki page: L1CaloUpgradeOfflineAnalysis, and this GitHub issue: issue164

Note that we now use the L1Ntuples included in the package, so no need to get the L1DPG NTuple package (which is now deprecated).

# follow instructions for CMSSW, etc

#  Get this package
git clone git@github.com:raggleton/L1JetEnergyCorrections.git L1Trigger/L1JetEnergyCorrections
scram b -j9
# to run unit tests
scram b runtests

For instructions about deriving new calibrations, see derivation.md.

For instructions about applying new calibrations, see applying.md.

For instructions about testing the calibration & performance, see performance.md.

Random notes: