
Add Liquid Ozone to navigation structure fuel output.

Opened this issue · 4 comments


The new jump gate flex structure is going to use liquid ozone as an irregular consumable. It would be great if we could track it.

Currently the /corporations/{corporation_id}/structures/ endpoint exposes "fuel_expires" which is a direct function of consumption.

I want to add something similar.

Add a new structure to that with the same permissions but work like this:

  "fuel": <total fuel quantity>
  "ozone": <liquid ozone quantity>

(Don't take out "fuel_expires", that's nice)

I'm not sure if it'd be better to just expose the fuel bay contents directly, or do something fancier like this. Either would work and would be very handy.

I specifically ask for fuel contents as a raw number because, for example, the cyno jammer structure is frequently going to sit offline with no consumption but it would need fuel inside it for when it is needed.


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  • Meta feature, applies to all routes

This would be hugely useful. Please do this.

Why stop at fuel block and liquid ozone count? The endpoint should expose all structure specific "hangars" and their items. The ability to enumerate what ammunitions are present, their counts and even what fighters are loaded in the tubes would remove a lot of the guesswork that goes into managing a citadel.

Please note that this information is already available through the corporation assets endpoint.

Since structures are corporation assets, they will show up in the corporation assets endpoint, along with all their corporation-owned contents, which includes the exact contents of their fuel bay.

This feature request is only about making this fairly important bit of info available in a more direct manner.

Any updates on this? The liquid ozone quantity has been visible in-game for quite some time, still not easily available through ESI.