Pinned issues
- 0
- 0
iHub to SovHub Regression with Equinox
#1388 opened by pvyParts - 1
Error 500 - Invalid 200 response: too many items for 'response' Universe/get_universe_races
#1385 opened by soratidus999 - 5
/characters/{character_id}/notifications/ - unknown notification type (6040)
#1380 opened by soratidus999 - 0
Inconsistent Role Validation in `/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/` Endpoint
#1386 opened by JamboChen - 3
500 Error in corporate assets "Invalid 200 response: 'location_type' is required, 'location_flag' is required"
#1352 opened by pvyParts - 2
POST & PATCH Corporation Projects
#1383 opened by liberal-darklord - 1
#1384 opened by liberal-darklord - 4
ESI API return incorrect route path
#1371 opened by pfh59 - 2
- 0
EVE v22.01 - Colony Resources
#1378 opened by soratidus999 - 5
EVE v21.05 - Corporation Loyalty Points
#1350 opened by soratidus999 - 0
Missing render image for type Boobook
#1379 opened by ErikKalkoken - 3
expose rate limits
#1376 opened by guiguilechat - 0
Endpoint returns plain text response for 400 bad request, but swagger client expects JSON
#1377 opened by ErikKalkoken - 0
Ability to create corporation projects using the API
#1363 opened by Zyles - 3
Revive the Bookmarks APIs
#1340 opened by IcyMidnight - 0
Expose 'Date' header to assist with error rate limits
#1353 opened by joaomlneto - 6
ZH Localization not available for endpoints
#1359 opened by yunqiang1 - 2
Date formats inconsistent
#1373 opened by guiguilechat - 1
star map question
#1375 opened by stockchaindev - 0
- 1
IPv6 support for
#1346 opened by kennethjor - 3
- 5
/characters/{character_id}/notifications/ - unknown notification type (270)
#1368 opened by soratidus999 - 1
EVE v21.06 New Corporation Role - Project Manager
#1367 opened by soratidus999 - 3
incorrect attribute_id for id 5214
#1339 opened by guiguilechat - 1
EVE v21.06 - /fw/wars/ Invalid 200 response: too many items for 'response'
#1364 opened by soratidus999 - 1
Error getting structure market price.
#1370 opened by YukhaMamed - 3
EVE v21.06 - /fw/stats/ Invalid 200 response: too many items for 'response'
#1365 opened by soratidus999 - 0
- 0
EVE v21.06 - Pirate Insurgencies
#1366 opened by soratidus999 - 0
Value of total unread emails is wrong when message assigned multiple labels
#1354 opened by joaomlneto - 1
dogma_attributes - En localisation inconsistency
#1362 opened by dangarfield - 0
/markets/prices are missing types
#1361 opened by dangarfield - 0
NPC corporation ceo_id is invalid
#1360 opened by joaomlneto - 5
/universe/structures/ does not returns all actual structures, also filter "market" on that endpoint works strange
#1358 opened by Rizzen - 0
Victory Points Leaderboard per Militia or Corp
#1344 opened by andevellicus - 2
- 14
Requests to /markets/{region_id}/history/ fail
#1338 opened by slysmoke - 1
How to decode value of limited time booster
#1357 opened by Vizis - 0
`/characters/{character_id}/calendar/` occasionally returns a partial response
#1355 opened by joaomlneto - 0
- 1
EVE v21.05 - Corporation Projects
#1351 opened by soratidus999 - 1
- 5
403 forbidden for some endpoints and not others
#1348 opened by kyle-mcknight - 2
Localhost and ESI connections
#1347 opened by kyle-mcknight - 1
- 1
Blueprints are not all retrieved
#1341 opened by Rakdos8 - 2
EVE v20.10 - non contested / removed FW systems appearing in /fw/systems
#1337 opened by soratidus999