
expose rate limits

Opened this issue · 3 comments


Several people have been banned for the reason of exceeding expected usage.
If such an usage is not provided, it can't be expected. And by contra position, if it is expected, it must be provided.



new path : GET:/status/rates
description : provide requested dynamic maximum rates for paths, with a per-second and per-hour value. ESI users are expected to abide those values.
provide : array[pathrate]
with pathrate : path(string), persecond(float), perhour(float)
200 example :


expires : this path is cached for 5 minutes (300s)

I would suggest making a PR to the documentation with the information:

At least that would have a chance of improving the issue.

I think the likelihood of a new endpoint being added is currently zero.

I don't disagree with your estimation of an infinite ETA.

I don't have that information though. CCP is the one who has it.

This ticket exists mostly as a trace of the issue. When new people come and ask about rates, we can redirect: them to it.