
Ability to create corporation projects using the API

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Feature Request

The new corporation project feature in Eve is great, but it would be greater if we could interact with it using endpoints to create/manage corporation projects using the rest API.

Use case

  • Automate monthly activities using external cron and be able to complete them by doing checks on corporate hangars instead of someone manually having to verify things
  • Break down industry projects into sub-projects automatically, for example if our target is to craft a jump freighter, our script could break down the jump freighter components into smaller projects. This saves time for the user that would need to sit and input all these projects manually.
  • Less space work for humans, more work for computers




Check all boxes that apply to this issue:

  • Feature request description is provided
  • Use case exists
  • Feature requires a new route
  • Feature adds data to existing route
  • Feature requires new auth scope
  • Feature can reuse existing scope
  • Feature does not require auth
  • Meta feature, applies to all routes