
EVE v21.06 New Corporation Role - Project Manager

Closed this issue · 1 comments


EVE 21.06 adds a new Corp Role, Project Manager. This role is not returned from the corporation roles endpoint.


Be sure to include the HTTP method, path (including version), and any relevant parameters. Please do not include auth tokens. E.g.:

GET /latest/corporations/98434316/roles/?datasource=tranquility


I dont actually have a character with Roles to test this endpoint. But it can be seen in the swagger spec enum

[ Account_Take_1, Account_Take_2, Account_Take_3, Account_Take_4, Account_Take_5, Account_Take_6, Account_Take_7, Accountant, Auditor, Communications_Officer, Config_Equipment, Config_Starbase_Equipment, Container_Take_1, Container_Take_2, Container_Take_3, Container_Take_4, Container_Take_5, Container_Take_6, Container_Take_7, Contract_Manager, Diplomat, Director, Factory_Manager, Fitting_Manager, Hangar_Query_1, Hangar_Query_2, Hangar_Query_3, Hangar_Query_4, Hangar_Query_5, Hangar_Query_6, Hangar_Query_7, Hangar_Take_1, Hangar_Take_2, Hangar_Take_3, Hangar_Take_4, Hangar_Take_5, Hangar_Take_6, Hangar_Take_7, Junior_Accountant, Personnel_Manager, Rent_Factory_Facility, Rent_Office, Rent_Research_Facility, Security_Officer, Skill_Plan_Manager, Starbase_Defense_Operator, Starbase_Fuel_Technician, Station_Manager, Trader ]

is missing Project Manager

A PR has been opened over on eve-glue for this esi/eve-glue#33

Logging ESI-Issue for Tracking and statistic purposes


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  • Bug description is provided
  • Request path is provided
  • [-] Response status code is provided
  • [-] Response headers are provided
  • [-] Response body is provided
  • [-] Expected response is provided

the eveglue PR was mergedf back on the 1st of december

A version of the relevant endpoints has now finally been released in