
Requests to /markets/{region_id}/history/ fail

Closed this issue · 14 comments


The /markets/{region_id}/history/ endpoint returns "error": "Timeout contacting tranquility"


GET /markets/{region_id}/history/?datasource=tranquility


Status Code



 access-control-allow-credentials: true 
 access-control-allow-headers: Content-Type,Authorization,If-None-Match,X-User-Agent 
 access-control-allow-methods: GET,HEAD,OPTIONS 
 access-control-allow-origin: * 
 access-control-expose-headers: Content-Type,Warning,ETag,X-Pages,X-ESI-Error-Limit-Remain,X-ESI-Error-Limit-Reset 
 access-control-max-age: 600 
 content-length: 55 
 content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 
 date: Thu, 10 Nov 2022 11:28:12 GMT 
 etag: W/"4ef6a7d73dd8ef9cf076c535bc0c17c33a77958bc79f57781f558bdc" 
 strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000 
 x-esi-error-limit-remain: 99 
 x-esi-error-limit-reset: 48 
 x-esi-request-id: 9b3b308c-fd58-49e9-aea6-5c4106a6a1bd 


  "error": "Timeout contacting tranquility",
  "timeout": 10




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Note :
This was first because of a DDoS on that path on 2022/11/04

19 h 22
market history is down [GET:504] data=null {"error":"Timeout contacting tranquility","timeout":10} error count=1 waiting=5000
for some types (and then it gets back but other types are down)
  19 h 41
It’s being DoS’d by some ban dodger.
19 h 41
It’s going down over the weekend to not affect TQ.

Then the path was removed on the next day. Still is.

No news on when this is coming back i guess?

Any news on this endpoint would be appreciated.

They are all above.

Any updates on this one? Still experience same issue

Coming up on two weeks of being broken...

Any news? I'm also waiting for this endpoint to be fixed. Thanks

Still waiting, any news?

Guys, relax. We're waiting for the bookmarks endpoint for about 3 years now. They're not that fast :-P

The endpoint is going to likely have some degree of redesign or auth being added to it before the endpoint will be made available again, the current extent of this work and the teams involved are still being scoped out.

Once I have more details of what’s involved, or if I have any new developments to share with regards to it, I’ll relay that here.

sizur commented

Use a CDN or add auth, but please don't sit on this for months! This is one of critical endpoints....

For anyone wanting to reconstruct this data from market orders, I have an archive of those here: Fuzzworks has an archive too.

It's been a few months now.
Any update? If this endpoint is never going back that would be nice to know and move on.

CCP restore the route with a bunch of limitations. original message :

A wild copy/paste :

The ESI Market endpoint has been bought back online as of 1300 UTC today!
The change introduces a rate limit per IP address and a filter for regions that don’t have markets.
The endpoint is tentatively limited to 300 requests per minute per IP address. The rate limit is subject to review at any time, and we will update according if and when a change is made such that all third-party developers can adjust their apps accordingly.
When the rate limit is exceeded, users can expect an HTTP 500 error with the original error in the reason text.
If the rate limit is reached, users must wait 1 minute before trying again. There is also a limiter on the number of errors, so avoid excessive cooldown checks.
Additionally, requesting stats for a region with no regional market will return a 400 error.
The above rate limits only affect the Market ESI endpoint. All others can be used as normal for the time being.
Circumventing the rate limiter by any means may result in a termination of a users developer application