
/universe/races missing races 16, 135 from output

joaomlneto opened this issue · 3 comments


Bloodlines with IDs 9, 10, 19 have a race_id of 16 (probably Jovians).
Bloodlines with ID 25, 26, 27 have race_id 135 (Triglavians)

However, a race with this ID is not returned by the /universe/races endpoint.

GET /universe/bloodlines:

    "bloodline_id": 10,
    "corporation_id": 1000178,
    "description": "The different branches of Jovians (…)",
    "name": "Modifier",
    "race_id": 16,

GET /universe/races:

    "alliance_id": 500001,
    "description": "…",
    "name": "Caldari",
    "race_id": 1
    "alliance_id": 500002,
    "description": "…",
    "name": "Minmatar",
    "race_id": 2
    "alliance_id": 500003,
    "description": "…",
    "name": "Amarr",
    "race_id": 4
    "alliance_id": 500004,
    "description": "…",
    "name": "Gallente",
    "race_id": 8

Also seen in:

/v1/universe/races/ is reported to contain Jove and Trig now, awaiting cache expiry at 1105

Will have a look and then close this :-)

Closing — this is fixed!… but now the issue is #1385