
EVE v20.10 - Faction Warfare Advantage

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Feature Request

EVE 20.10 Added advantages to system, this is seperate to sovereignty contest, but has a scaling effect on those mechanics.

Since this data is more than just a single flag on a system, it probably needs a new endpoint.

It would be quite clunky to add ?six? fields to the existing

Use case

Generating better maps of Faction Warfare and presenting them to the public outside of the game, as we do currently. But these maps will now be missing crucial data.


No changes required, this is simply to replicate features that were created on TQ to their assocated endpoints

Example return

Replicate the data presented to the client, for all systems very similar to /fw/systems

  "solar_system_id": 30002957,
  "advantage_data": [
      "faction_id": 500001,
      "completed_objectives": 20
      "neighbouring_systems": 10
      "faction_id": 500002,
      "completed_objectives": 60
      "neighbouring_systems": 30
  ... repeat ad absurdium


Check all boxes that apply to this issue:

  • Feature request description is provided
  • Use case exists
  • Feature requires a new route
  • Feature adds data to existing route
  • Feature requires new auth scope
  • Feature can reuse existing scope
  • Feature does not require auth
  • Meta feature, applies to all routes

This would be better to bake into the existing endpoint. Almost anyone who queries the current endpoints will want this data so we'd just be turning one request into two unnecessarily.

Advantage is being published here

Oh! Nice spotting! Looks like that is what the newly introduced interface at is using as a source.

I guess is for "internal" CCP APIs so we can't rely on it, but we could use it for now. Also looks the frontlines page pings it every 30s or so and at a very brief glance it seems to update approx. every 5 minutes unlike the approx. every 30 minutes of the current ESI API.