
EVE v20.10 - Alliance Fittings

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Feature Request

EVE 20.10 added Alliance level fittings,

There was already an outstanding issue for Corporation level fittings #234

Currently exists only for a character level.

Use case

Alliance administrators who already use more powerful tools outside of eve to maintain their Fittings and present them to users, it would be valuable to keep these in sync with those presented in the game client. To have drift between ingame and external tools makes ingame fits not very valuable


new scopes


Check all boxes that apply to this issue:

  • Feature request description is provided
  • Use case exists
  • Feature requires a new route
  • Feature adds data to existing route
  • Feature requires new auth scope
  • Feature can reuse existing scope
  • Feature does not require auth
  • Meta feature, applies to all routes