
This is my take on the game Snake.

Primary LanguageJava


This is my take on the game Snake. I made this for fun while taking Computer Science 1. Some of these files are part of the Sedgwick API, which we utilized in the course. All of the code was built in Eclipse. The code I wrote is in the snake folder. The rest is supporting material. Within the snake folder, there are two "control" files; one utilizes an interface to run the code (this one is less refined because it was an afterthought), the other control file is more finalized and does not utilize an interface. Both controls utilize the same basic objects, which is why some have unused methods, depending on which control you're using. There are also just some additional methods I thought may be helpful for debugging or just in case I wanted to change anything down the road. I do not own the Sedgwick API, as far as I can tell it is the intellectual copyright of Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, though I do not know what licenses they have on it. I've emailed the authors of the book that the API was a component of and I'll update this repository when I've heard back.