
Primary LanguageGo


This bot looks at your timeline and try to find Follow event. If one of your friend follow to somebody, bot will to


You run this application at own risk

The more subscribers there are, the longer it takes to find new ones


You need this environment variables:

GITHUB_TOKEN= # GitHub token (PAT) from https://github.com/settings/tokens

GITHUB_RSS= # RSS feed from your home Timeline (url of Subscribe to your news feed in the bottom of page), for example: https://github.com/esin.private.atom?token=ABCDE 

GITHUB_USERNAME= # Your username

FOLLOWBACK=0 # If you want follow for your followers, you can set 1

Or you can run Docker image like:

docker run -ti -e GITHUB_TOKEN=ghp_xxxx -e GITHUB_RSS='https://github.com/esin.private.atom?token=ABCDE' -e GITHUB_USERNAME='YourUsername' es1n/ghfollow

This project should be private, but something goes wrong