
competitive programming, ACM-ICPC, olympiads, programming contests

Primary LanguageC++

Competitive programming

This repository contains my solutions to various competitive programming problems. I use servers like Codeforces, HackerRank, and LeetCode to practice and improve my programming skills.

Programming Languages

Python     ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 754
C++        ███████████████████████████████████████ 481
JavaScript █████████████▌ 158
Go         █████████████ 157
TypeScript ████ 42
OCaml      ███▌ 36
Pascal     ██ 17
Ada        █▌ 10
Scheme     █▌ 10
Java       █▌ 9
Basic      █▌ 9
Fortran    █ 2
C          █ 1
SQL        █ 1
bash       █ 1
Raku       █ 1

acmp.ru - Школа программиста

A+B, Сумма, Пятью пять - двадцать пять!, Игра, Статистика, Шахматы, Золото племени АББА, Арифметика, Домашнее задание, Уравнение, Зайчик, Дачники, Быки и коровы, НОК, Дороги, Лесенка, Поле чудес, Факториал, Ферзь, ладья и конь, Пилообразная последовательность, Зарплата, Единицы, Гадание, Вырубка деревьев, Больше-меньше, Две окружности, Художник, Симметрия, Компьютерная игра, Часы, Неподвижные точки, Годовой баланс, Два бандита, Секретное сообщение, Конечные автоматы, Постулат Бертрана, Сжимающий оператор, Игра - 2, Волосатый бизнес, 2^N, Сортировка подсчетом, Драконы, Нули, Стрелки, Произведение цифр, Число E, Наилучший делитель, Наихудший делитель, Шаблоны, Строки, Факториалы!!!, Счастливый билет, Раскраска таблицы умножения, Теория игр, Фонарики, Jивой Jурнал, Компьютерная сеть, Проверка на симпатичность, Несложное вычисление, Сверхпростые числа, Баскетбол, Клетки, Загадка, Простой ряд, Расстояние Хэмминга, Клавиатура, Маска подсетей, Дом - Школа - Дом, N-угольное колесо, Степень строки, Две кучки камней, Анаграмма, Расшифровка, Прыжки с шестом, Сумма произведений, Музей, Нолики, Бутылки, Последняя цифра A^B, Тождество, Арбузы, Пересечение множеств, Симпатичные узоры, Выпуклая оболочка, Единичный НОД, Головоломка про ферзей, Строки - 2, Судоку, Быстрый поезд, Треугольные страны, Две последовательности, Журавлики, Боги, Принц и дракон, Нумеролог, Винни-пух, Заповедники, Игра в числа, Лабиринт, Счастливые билеты, Магараджа, Треугольник, Снова A+B, Шаблон, Раскопки, Монетки, Красивые номера, Неглухой телефон, A / B, Игра «Пуговицы», Армия, Фермер, Без двух нулей подряд, Прямоугольник, Фермер - 2, Опасная зона, Задача Иосифа Флавия, Сортировка времени, Минимальный путь в таблице, Гвоздики, Максимальная подпоследовательность, Восстановление скобок, Светофорчики, Цветной дождь, Издевательство, Путь, Один конь, Табличка, Два коня, Перепись, Алгоритм Дейкстры, Заправки, Автобусы, Алгоритм Флойда, Алгоритм Флойда - 2, Существование пути, Алгоритм Форда-Беллмана, Дерево, A-B, A*B, A div B, Длинный корень, Числа Фибоначчи, НОД, Разворот, Друзья, Уравнение для 5 класса!, Счастливый билет - 2, Натуральный ряд чисел, Число - палиндром, Мышка, Перевязь, Всем известно, Номера автобусов, Упрощение номеров, Время года, Кольцо, Числа без одинаковых цифр, Игра со спичками, Закупка носков, Камень, ножницы, бумага, В автобусе, Шары, Военная академия

Advent of Code

Calorie Counting, Rock Paper Scissors, Rucksack Reorganization, Camp Cleanup, Supply Stacks, Tuning Trouble, No Space Left On Device, Treetop Tree House, Rope Bridge, Cathode-Ray Tube, Monkey in the Middle, Hill Climbing Algorithm, Distress Signal, Regolith Reservoir, Beacon Exclusion Zone


Hello World, X Cubic, Rectangle, Watch, Small, Large, or Equal, Range, Sorting Three Numbers, Circle in a Rectangle, Print Many Hello World, Print Test Cases, Swapping Two Numbers, How Many Divisors?, A / B Problem, Circle, Simple Calculator, Min, Max and Sum, Print a Rectangle, Print a Frame, Print a Chessboard, Structured Programming, Reversing Numbers, Finding Missing Cards, Official House, Matrix Vector Multiplication, Grading, How many ways?, Spreadsheet, Matrix Multiplication, Toggling Cases, Sum of Numbers, Counting Characters, Ring, Finding a Word, QQ, List of Top 3 Hills, Digit Number, Is it a Right Triangle?, Simultaneous Equation


Theatre Square, Spreadsheets, Ancient Berland Circus, Soldier and Bananas, Soldier and Badges, Soldier and Cards, Mike and Fax, Mike and Fun, Kyoya and Photobooks, Ohana Cleans Up, Kyoya and Colored Balls, Ilya and Diplomas, Pasha and Tea, Arthur and Table, Multiplication Table, Raising Bacteria, A Problem about Polyline, Kefa and First Steps, Kefa and Park, Vasya the Hipster, Luxurious Houses, Developing Skills, Three Logos, Asphalting Roads, Robot's Task, Alena's Schedule, Laurenty and Shop, Gennady the Dentist, Phillip and Trains, Wizards' Duel, Rebranding, Median Smoothing, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, Tricky Sum, Queries on a String, Nearest vectors, Igor In the Museum, Extract Numbers, Queries about less or equal elements, Make Palindrome, Area of Two Circles' Intersection, Lomsat gelral, Two Bases, Approximating a Constant Range, Saitama Destroys Hotel, Hamming Distance Sum, The Text Splitting, HDD is Outdated Technology, Replace To Make Regular Bracket Sequence, The Union of k-Segments, Square Root of Permutation, Comparing Two Long Integers, Dinner with Emma, The Labyrinth, Sum of Remainders


Equi, FrogJmp, Kalium 2015


Simple problem?, Digits, Match’s model, Two circles, Roman numerals, Degree of symmetry, New-year tree, Cycle shifts, Superstitious Santa Claus, Command of the Mayor, The Segments, The Cost of the K-dominoes, The Cheese for Anfisa, The Butterfly – Medical Attendan, The Area of the Polygon, The Directors’ Visitors, Spiral, Robot, Median number, Mountain routes, Number of zeroes in factorial, Square, Olympiad, Lucky tickets, The Segment, GCD, The minimal sum of digits, Quadrilateral, Conscription, Young gardener, Modular Exponentiation, Cleaning the territory, Garage, Binomial coefficients 1, The circle and line, Transformation, Exchange, Euclid algorithm, Equation, Triangle, The 3n + 1 problem, Yo-Yo, Dungeon Master, Smooth Divisors, Black and white graphics, White cubes, Permutation, Lazybones, Parking, Toasts, Nicholas Problem, Time for Nicholas, The sum of two, Sum of squares, The sum of all, Money Matters, The nearest points, The greatest common divisor, Ancient manuscripts, Расстояние между вершинами, The triangle, Double Queue, Prime numbers, Number of operations, The level of educational achievements, First or last?, Increase by 2, Product of digits, The first is not greater for 2,5, Number of words, The arithmetic mean of positive, Quadratic equation, Maximum of absolute values, Twice the minimum, Number by 3, Use the function, Negative elements, Shift the elements, Ring, Perimeter and area of triangle, Heron, Number of toys, The sum of the largest and the smallest, Parallelogram, The ratio of product to the sum, The height of the triangle, Decomposition of three digit number, The point on the interval, The square of sum, Difference, Swap the digits, Without the middle, Two digits from four digits, The square of sum, Square root, Sum of digits, Is it a Tree?, Get a tree, 12345, Cities and roads, Traffic lights, Coloured rain, One knight, Hello World!, Cake from Tolya, Geometry Paradox, Lines, Sticks Problem, Area Ratio, Watermelons, Pyramid of the symbols, Quadrilateral, The Angle, Circle of choirs, Mint, Simple division, Boxes, Power of Cryptography, f91, Very Easy!!!, Multifactorial, Rock, Paper, or Scissors?, Black Box, Foreign Exchange, Andys first dictionary, Add All, Least Common Multiple, Minimum Sum LCM, Lunch, Rectangles and nails, Камешки, Скала Советов, Calculator, Кролики, Ford-Bellman, Double reverse, Наибольшее среднее, Divisors, GCD two numbers, LCM two natural numbers, The sum of digits, The product of even digits in a number, The second digit of the number, The sum of the first and last digits of the number, The number in reverse order, The number-palindrome, The number of specified digits, Rabbits in the cells, Reverse a substring, Prime number?, Hometask, Factorial, Parent, Contr-operation, Silver medal, A big plus, Weighing, Lake with lilies, Tale about an apple, Three digit numbers, Invertor, Two arrays, Площадь, Polar angle of point, The angle between the vectors, Vector length, Point on a line, Point on a ray, Point on a segment, Palindrome, Divide on three!, Julius Caesar Cyfer, Anagrams, Function 9, Coins, Who will get the "avtomat"?, Sorting, Columns, Numbers from digits, Two numbers, Bell, Automated Telephone Exchange, Flat, Grafix Mask, Electrical Wires, Cost of call, Interesting Sum, Book, Breadth First Search, n-th Largest Value, Checking for an undirected graph, From adjacency matrix to the list of edges, Operations on graph, Конкатенация строк, Border, Papa Carlo, Wall, Minimum and maximum, Divisibility by 11, Replace digit, Maximum GCD, Price labels, Half, Snake, Spiral, Rotation, Reduce a fraction, Babel, Fast Exponentiation, Guess, Number of divisors, Odd divisors, Function tabulation, Sets Union, Function-10, Tournament, Range, Point within a circle, 01110001, That Is the Question, Arithmetic, Fibonacci Sequence, Factors, How Many?, Always Follow the Rules in Zombieland, Олимпийская лотерея, Least Common Multiple, Factorial Again!, Dr Whos Banquet, Lazy Misha, MegaGCD, Towers of Hanoi, From adjacency matrix to adjacency list, From adjacency list to adjacency matrix, Sources and sinks, Complete graph, Knight move, Tram, Corporation Salary, Anagrams, Binary Search Tree 1, Рекламный щит, Olympiad, Chocolate bars, Inattention, Stepan and pairs, Sweets for mushrooms, Arson, Exponentiation, Counting Triangles, Lonely king, Divisors, Divide the apples - 1, Divide the apples - 2, Bob the honors pupil, Sum of squares, First and last appearance, Fibonacci, Делится ли на 2, 4 и 8?, Sorting, Решето Эратосфена, Number of divisors, Theater revenue, Cinema, Cinema+, Loops, From list of edges to adjacency matrix, Degrees of vertices, Equilateral triangle, Function, Rectangle, Maximum by minimum, Quick Sort, The shortest distance, The shortest path, Reverse me!, Replacement, Remove spaces, Spiral, Two minimums, Magic constant, Count number of edges, Multiedges, Degrees of vertices by a list of edges, Regular graph, Number of hanging vertices 1, Sum of digits, Number of hanging vertices 2, Vocabulary, На перекрёстке, Minibus, Hailstone HOTPO, B-Casting, abc, Intersection of two lines, The last digit, Inverse, Two flower beds, Saddle points, Thaw, Stand in order, Find Minimum, Party, Different-different, Complete graph - 2, Godfather, Граф 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, Just Add It, Business Card Juggling, Bishops on a Toral Board, Canaries, Death Knight Hero, Kastenlauf, Minimal Sum, Oddities, Boiling Vegetables, Virus Replication, A square from squares, Удвоение, Mysterious equation, Garland, Strahler Order, Brazil, Fractional Lotion, Furry Nuisance, Aaah!, Sum of GCD, Assignments, Portals, Лабиринт, Deal!, Insert Parentheses, Sleeping cars, Sum of fractions, Arithmetic mean for figure skaters, Testing, Stepan Friends, Включить лампу, Equation for the 5-th class!, Easy, Odd positions, Sightseeing trip, Alarm Clock, Buffcraft, Digits, Grave, Joy of Flight, Kebab House, Olympiad, Three rectangles, Server, I’ve Been Everywhere, Man, Happy Camper, Easy Problemset, Reverse Rot, Bus, An ordinary boy, Two-digit number from three-digit, Odd elements, Cent Savings, Perimeter of rectangle, Area of rectangle, Polyhedra, Majority, Diamonds, Ramp Number, Hilbert Sort, Egg Drop, Grid, Alphabet, Gravity, Islands, The length of the substring, Prefixes of a substring, Suffixes of a substring, Function - 1, Function - 2, Function - 3, Positive negative or zero, The first digit of the number, Sum of squares from 1 to n, n-digit numbers, Sort the letters, Square of difference, Delete digits, Is it a Tree?, Get a tree, Parent, Grafix Mask, Electrical Wires, Babel, Corporation Salary, Furry Nuisance, Portals, Money Matters, Godfather, Kastenlauf, Strahler Order, Minibus, Divide on three!, Делится ли на 2, 4 и 8?, Inattention, First and last appearance, Remove spaces, Tournament, Automated Telephone Exchange, Lucky tickets, Olympiad, Time for Nicholas, The length of the substring, Prefixes of a substring, Suffixes of a substring, GCD, Cleaning the territory, The greatest common divisor, Circle of choirs, GCD two numbers, LCM two natural numbers, Function 9, MegaGCD, Sum of fractions, The Segment, Euclid algorithm, Cake from Tolya, Mint, Simple division, Boxes, Least Common Multiple, Камешки, Minimum Sum LCM, Papa Carlo, Maximum GCD, Reduce a fraction, Bishops on a Toral Board, Garland, Sum of GCD, Testing, Two circles, The Segments, Square, Quadrilateral, The circle and line, Triangle, The triangle, Geometry Paradox, Area Ratio, Quadrilateral, Equilateral triangle, Ring, Perimeter and area of triangle, Heron, Parallelogram, The height of the triangle, The point on the interval, Polar angle of point, The angle between the vectors, Vector length, Point on a line, Point on a ray, Point on a segment, Point within a circle, Intersection of two lines, Two flower beds, A square from squares, Ancient manuscripts, Cities and roads, Traffic lights, Coloured rain, Checking for an undirected graph, From adjacency matrix to the list of edges, Operations on graph, From adjacency matrix to adjacency list, From adjacency list to adjacency matrix, Sources and sinks, Loops, From list of edges to adjacency matrix, Degrees of vertices, Reverse me!, Count number of edges, Multiedges, Degrees of vertices by a list of edges, Regular graph, Number of hanging vertices 1, Number of hanging vertices 2, Is it a Tree?, Get a tree, Parent, Grafix Mask, Electrical Wires, Corporation Salary, Portals, Money Matters, Godfather, Kastenlauf, Strahler Order, Minibus, Mountain routes, Conscription, Расстояние между вершинами, n-th Largest Value, Олимпийская лотерея, Insert Parentheses, Deal!, Hilbert Sort, Egg Drop, Grid, Lazy Misha, Breadth First Search, Arson, Maximum by minimum, The shortest distance, The shortest path, Complete graph - 2, Dungeon Master, Lines, Лабиринт, Tram, Граф 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, Включить лампу, Polyhedra, Majority, Diamonds, Ramp Number, Alphabet, Islands, Gravity, Удвоение, Rectangles and nails, Digits, The sum of digits, Factorial, Function-10, Exponentiation, Fibonacci Sequence, How Many?, GCD two numbers, LCM of two positive integers, GCD, Fibonacci, Hailstone HOTPO, Sum of digits, The minimal sum of digits, Modular Exponentiation, Least Common Multiple, Hello World!, 12345, abc, Lake with lilies, Divide the apples - 1, Divide the apples - 2, The last digit, Stepan Friends, Perimeter of rectangle, Area of rectangle, Young gardener, Fast Exponentiation, Inverse, Just Add It, The Segment, Simple division, Reduce a fraction, Cinema+, Garland, Binomial coefficients 1, Party, Towers of Hanoi, Olympiad, Time for Nicholas, White cubes, Sum of squares, Rabbits in the cells, Canaries, Sightseeing trip, The level of educational achievements, First or last?, Lazy Misha, Positive negative or zero, Transformation, Smooth Divisors, The sum of two, The sum of all, The arithmetic mean of positive, Number of toys, The ratio of product to the sum, Watermelons, The second digit of the number, The number in reverse order, The number of specified digits, Bob the honors pupil, Find Minimum, Odd elements, The first digit of the number, Sum of squares from 1 to n, Brazil, Sticks Problem, Replacement, Business Card Juggling, Easy Problemset, Bus, Garage, Dr Whos Banquet, Boiling Vegetables, Increase by 2, The first is not greater for 2,5, Maximum of absolute values, Twice the minimum, Number by 3, Negative elements, Shift the elements, The sum of the largest and the smallest, Скала Советов, Double reverse, Contr-operation, Invertor, Who will get the "avtomat"?, Two minimums, Thaw, Arithmetic mean for figure skaters, Simple problem?, Product of digits, Decomposition of three digit number, The square of sum, Difference, Swap the digits, Without the middle, Two digits from four digits, The square of sum, Sum of digits, The product of even digits in a number, The last digit, Equation for the 5-th class!, Odd positions, Two-digit number from three-digit, Median number, The minimal sum of digits, Use the function, Three digit numbers, Minimum and maximum, Function tabulation, Sum of digits, Function - 1, Function - 2, Function - 3, n-digit numbers, Square root, Power of Cryptography, f91, Weighing, Guess, Function, Alarm Clock, Buffcraft, Digits, Grave, Joy of Flight, Kebab House, Exchange, The 3n + 1 problem, Yo-Yo, Lazybones, Nicholas Problem, Very Easy!!!, Multifactorial, Кролики, Silver medal, Tale about an apple, Coins, Book, Divisibility by 11, 01110001, That Is the Question, Olympiad, Chocolate bars, Stand in order, Rock, Paper, or Scissors?, Range, Factorial Again!, Oddities, Server, Robot, Parking, Number of operations, Number of words, Calculator, The sum of the first and last digits of the number, The number-palindrome, Reverse a substring, Palindrome, Julius Caesar Cyfer, Конкатенация строк, Replace digit, Arithmetic, B-Casting, Virus Replication, Sleeping cars, Easy, Flat, Always Follow the Rules in Zombieland, Death Knight Hero, Aaah!, Reverse Rot, Toasts, Quadratic equation, The Angle, Lunch, Площадь, Cost of call, Sum of squares, Magic constant, Olympiad, Number of zeroes in factorial, Wall, Assignments, Happy Camper, Pyramid of the symbols, A big plus, Sorting, Sorting, Quick Sort, Bell, Permutation, Anagrams, Numbers from digits, Two numbers, Interesting Sum, Anagrams, Sort the letters, Square of difference, Cycle shifts, Shift the elements, Counting Triangles, Minimal Sum, Spiral, Black and white graphics, Columns, Half, Snake, Spiral, Rotation, Border, Lonely king, Theater revenue, Cinema, Spiral, На перекрёстке, Saddle points, Three rectangles, Perimeter and area of triangle, Heron, Vector length, Point on a line, Equilateral triangle, Perimeter of rectangle, Area of rectangle, Rectangle, The nearest points, Double Queue, Black Box, Foreign Exchange, Andys first dictionary, Two arrays, Price labels, Sets Union, Binary Search Tree 1, Рекламный щит, Replacement, Vocabulary, Different-different, I’ve Been Everywhere, Man, Add All, Наибольшее среднее, Sweets for mushrooms, Odd divisors, Prime numbers, Prime number?, Hometask, Number of divisors, Factors, Stepan and pairs, Divisors, Number of divisors, Mysterious equation, Fractional Lotion, An ordinary boy, Equation, Divisors, Cities and roads, Traffic lights, Coloured rain, Checking for an undirected graph, From adjacency matrix to the list of edges, Operations on graph, From adjacency matrix to adjacency list, From adjacency list to adjacency matrix, Sources and sinks, Complete graph, Loops, From list of edges to adjacency matrix, Degrees of vertices, Reverse me!, Count number of edges, Multiedges, Degrees of vertices by a list of edges, Regular graph, Number of hanging vertices 1, Number of hanging vertices 2


Hello World, Lucian's Luscious Lasagna


3D Surface Area, Absolute Permutation, ACM ICPC Team, Almost Sorted, Angry Professor, Append and Delete, Apple and Orange, Beautiful Days at the Movies, Beautiful Triplets, Between Two Sets, Bigger is Greater, The Bomberman Game, Bill Division, Breaking the Records, Cats and a Mouse, Chocolate Feast, Circular Array Rotation, Climbing the Leaderboard, Counting Valleys, Cut the sticks, Day of the Programmer, Designer PDF Viewer, Divisible Sum Pairs, Drawing Book, Electronics Shop, Encryption, Equalize the Array, Extra Long Factorials, Find Digits, Grading Students, Halloween Sale, Jumping on the Clouds, Jumping on the Clouds: Revisited, Number Line Jumps, Modified Kaprekar Numbers, Larry's Array, Library Fine, Lisa's Workbook, Forming a Magic Square, Matrix Layer Rotation, Migratory Birds, Minimum Distances, Non-Divisible Subset, Organizing Containers of Balls, Sequence Equation, Picking Numbers, Queen's Attack II, Repeated String, Save the Prisoner!, Sherlock and Squares, Sales by Match, Viral Advertising, Taum and B'day, Subarray Division, The Grid Search, The Hurdle Race, The Time in Words, Utopian Tree, A very big sum, Birthday Cake Candles, Compare the Triplets, Diagonal Difference, Staircase, Plus Minus, Simple Array Sum, Solve me first, Solve me second, Staircase, Time Conversion, Java If-Else, Java Stdin and Stdout I, Welcome to Java!, Max Min, Find the Runner-Up Score!, Finding the percentage, List Comprehensions, Nested Lists, Lists, Tuples, Say "Hello, World!" With Python, Python If-Else, Arithmetic Operators, Python: Division, Loops, Print Function, Write a function, Find Angle MBC, Polar Coordinates, Integers Come In All Sizes, Mod Divmod, Power - Mod Power, Triangle Quest, Triangle Quest 2, No Idea!, Check Strict Superset, Check Subset, Introduction to Sets, Set .add(), Set .difference() Operation, Set .discard(), .remove() & .pop(), Set .intersection() Operation, Set Mutations, Set .symmetric_difference() Operation, Set .union() Operation, The Captain's Room, Symmetric Difference, Alphabet Rangoli, Capitalize!, Designer Door Mat, Find a string, Merge the Tools!, Mutations, sWAP cASE, String Split and Join, String Validators, sWAP cASE, Text Alignment, Text Wrap, The Minion Game, What's Your Name?


Two Sum, Add Two Numbers, Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters, Median of Two Sorted Arrays, Longest Palindromic Substring, ZigZag Conversion, Reverse Integer, String to Integer (atoi), Palindrome Number, Regular Expression Matching, Container With Most Water, Integer to Roman, Roman to Integer, Longest Common Prefix, 3Sum, 3Sum Closest, 4Sum, Valid Parentheses, Merge Two Sorted Lists, Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array, Pow(x, n), N-Queens, N-Queens II, Maximum Subarray, Spiral Matrix, Gray Code, Symmetric Tree, Maximum Depth of Binary Tree, Path Sum, Word Ladder, Reverse Words in a String, Maximum Product Subarray, Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array, Min Stack, Find Peak Element, Bitwise AND of Numbers Range, Happy Number, Remove Linked List Elements, Count Primes, Isomorphic Strings, Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree, Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree, Binary Tree Paths, Add Digits, Ugly Number, Longest Increasing Subsequence, Range Sum Query - Immutable, Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable, Additive Number, Power of Three, Counting Bits, Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals, Russian Doll Envelopes, Count Numbers with Unique Digits, Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums, Guess Number Higher or Lower, Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix, Shuffle an Array, Binary Watch, Sum of Left Leaves, Sort Characters By Frequency, Repeated Substring Pattern, Find Mode in Binary Search Tree, Next Greater Element II, Base 7, Student Attendance Record I, Reverse Words in a String III, Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree, Reshape the Matrix, Can Place Flowers, Construct String from Binary Tree, Find Duplicate File in System, Valid Triangle Number, Find Duplicate Subtrees, Two Sum IV - Input is a BST, Robot Return to Origin, Find K Closest Elements, Kth Largest Element in a Stream, Binary Search, To Lower Case, Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray, Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation, Toeplitz Matrix, Jewels and Stones, Custom Sort String, Minimum Swaps To Make Sequences Increasing, Unique Morse Code Words, Number of Lines To Write String, Push Dominoes, Peak Index in a Mountain Array, Decoded String at Index, Sort Array By Parity, Smallest Range I, X of a Kind in a Deck of Cards, Flip Equivalent Binary Trees, Verifying an Alien Dictionary, N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array, Find Common Characters, Check If Word Is Valid After Substitutions, Max Consecutive Ones III, Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations, Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String, Height Checker, Grumpy Bookstore Owner, Previous Permutation With One Swap, Distribute Candies to People, Defanging an IP Address, Day of the Year, Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters, Ugly Number III, Unique Number of Occurrences, Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same Position, Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix, Reconstruct a 2-Row Binary Matrix, Shift 2D Grid, Deepest Leaves Sum, Find N Unique Integers Sum up to Zero, Decrypt String from Alphabet to Integer Mapping, Reduce Array Size to The Half, Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix, Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits, Minimum Subsequence in Non-Increasing Order, String Matching in an Array, Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length, Make Two Arrays Equal by Reversing Sub-arrays, Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence, Reformat Date, Thousand Separator, Most Visited Sector in a Circular Track, Slowest Key, Create Sorted Array through Instructions, Design an Ordered Stream, Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent


Greetings from LightOJ, Opposite Task, Country Roads, Hex-a-bonacci, Fibsieves Fantabulous Birthday, Knights in Chessboard, Brush (I), Circle in Square, Secret Origins, Digits of Factorial, Higher Math, Lift, Calm Down, How Cow, False Ordering, Discover the Web, Ekka Dokka, Array Simulation, Sum of Factorials, Power Puff Girls, Truchet Tiling, Lollipop, Longest Prime Sequences, Tamim Got Worried, The Red Planet, Nabab Siraj-Ud-Dowla, Kukurer Voy


Города и дороги, Светофорчики, Цветной дождь, Издевательство, Линейный поиск - 2, Проверка на неориентированность, Петли, Подсчет количества ребер неориентированного графа, Подсчет количества ребер ориентированного графа, От матрицы смежности к списку ребер, неориентированный вариант, От списка ребер к матрице смежности, неориентированный вариант, От матрицы смежности к списку ребер, ориентированный вариант, От списка ребер к матрице смежности, ориентированный вариант, Проверка на наличие параллельных ребер, неориентированный вариант, Проверка на наличие параллельных ребер, ориентированный вариант, Степени вершин, Степени вершин по спискам ребер, Полустепени вершин, Полустепени вершин по спискам ребер, Истоки и стоки, Регулярный граф, Полный граф, Полуполный граф, Турнир, Транзитивность неориентированного графа, Транзитивность ориентированного графа, Корень из перестановки, Обрати меня!

El Judge

Sum of two integers, Max of Integers, Set Intersection, Contest Table, Athletes, Three squares, Brackets, Fibonacci numbers, Operations, Odd number, Strange Tower, CD, Square root of permutation, Nim Game -- who is the winner?, Number of solutions, Pete in love

Peking University Judge Online for ACM/ACPC

A+B Problem, Exponentiation, Transmitters, The Triangle, The 3n + 1 problem, Drainage Ditches, Street Numbers, 棋盘问题, Factorial, Black Box, MPI Maelstrom, Integer Inquiry, Just the Facts, 放苹果, Crossing River, Flip Game, Magic Trick, Currency Exchange, Game, Red and Black, Gold Coins, No Brainer, Graveyard Design, K-th Number, A Card Trick, Ultra-QuickSort, Beat the Spread!, Combination Lock, Palindrome Numbers, Average Speed, Subway, Geometrical dreams, Simple calculations, Consecutive Digits, Buy Tickets, Dramatic Multiplications, Goldbach's Conjecture, Martian Mining, Help Me with the Game, Dirichlet's Theorem on Arithmetic Progressions, Root of the Problem, Apocalypse Someday, Black and white painting, Look and Say, Polygon Division, Typographical Ligatures, Balls, Headshot, Build Your Home, Automated Telephone Exchange

Saratov State University :: Online Contester


Saratov State University :: Online Contester

A+B, Domino, Coprimes, Traffic Lights, Little shop of flowers, Div 3, The equation, 987654321 problem, Self-numbers 2, Magic of David Copperfield II, Dungeon, Little Rooks, Prime Sum, BHTML 1.0, Scientific Problem, 3D City Model

Sphere Online Judge

Adding Reversed Numbers, BAISED - Biased Standings, FCTRL - Factorial, FCTRL2 - Small factorials, MUL - Fast Multiplication, ONP - Transform the Expression, STRHH - Half of the half, TEST - Life, the Universe, and Everything, TESTINT - Test 1

Timus Online Judge

A+B Problem, Reverse Root, Phone Numbers, Parity, Stone Pile, K-based Numbers, Discrete Function, Conductors, K-based Numbers. Version 2, Product of Digits, Staircases, Rope, Sacrament of the Sum, Genealogical Tree, Buttons, Democracy in Danger, Questions and Answers, Stars, Labyrinth, Lucky Tickets. Easy!, Superlong Sums, Brave Balloonists, Rabbit Hunt, Sum, Square Country, Maximum, Map Coloring, Binary Lexicographic Sequence, Gaby Ivanushka, Factorials!!!, Goat in the Garden, Cryptography, The Time to Take Stones, In the Army Now, Final Standings, Don’t Ask Woman about Her Age, Two Teams, Power, Nontrivial Numbers, Conference, Sum of Sequential Numbers, Branches, Salary, Magnetic Storms, Copying, Parliament, City Blocks, RSA Attack, Maximum Sum, Sinus Dances, Stripies, Akbardin’s Roads, Stone Game, Ball in a Dream, Handshakes, History Exam, Lonesome Knight, Scientific Conference, Sum of Digits of the Sum of Numbers, 1, 10, 100, 1000..., Kind Spirits, Strange Procedure, Symbolic Sequence, Chernobyl’ Eagles, Spiral, Flags, esreveR redrO, Episode N-th: The Jedi Tournament, Divorce of the Seven Dwarfs, Nudnik Photographer, Elections, Workdays, Dwarf, Mars Canals, Sabotage, Eniya, Hyperjump, Palindrome, Sequence Median, Some Words about Sport, Hotel, Fuses, Intervals, Problem of Ben Betsalel, Farm, Mersenne Primes, Milliard Vasya's Function, Palindrome. Again Palindrome, Magician, Cocktails, Easy to Hack!, Two Gangsters, Sorting Hat, Heating Main, One Step from Happiness, Spammer, Domino Dots, Order, Hieroglyphs, Bayan, SMS-spam, Yekaterinozavodsk Great Well, Alchemy, Telephone Tariffs, Teamwork, Bookmakers, Penguins, AntiCAPS, Taxi, Tram Forum, Flat Spots, Penalty Time, Bookworm, Chocolate 2, 1D Maze, A Whole Lot of Walnuts, Cipher Message, Холодильник, Team.GOV!, Code Names, Cipher Grille, Sandro's Book, Sold Out!, Dill, Mnemonics and Palindromes 3, Deer is Better!, One and a Half Diggers, Anindilyakwa, Lost in Localization, Sandro's Biography, Turn for MEGA, On the Benefits of Umbrellas, Hamming Code, Amusement Park, Ural Steaks, Biathlon, Isenbaev's Number, Get-Together at Den's, Prediction Contest, GOV Chronicles, Centipede's Morning, Bicycle Codes, Psych Up's Eigenvalues, Long problem statement, A380, Neo-Venice, Titan Ruins: Hidden Entrance, Four Imps, British Scientists Save the World, Excellent Team, Tears of Drowned, Chinese Dialects, Electrification Plan, Dummy Guy, The battle near the swamp, This cheeseburger you don't need, Grand Theft Array V, Mathematicians and Berries, Test Task, Taxi for Programmers, Sasha the Young Grandmaster, Long Statement, About Grisha N., The Debut Album, Traffic Jam in Flower Town, Donald is a postman, Line Fighting, Overturned Numbers, Devices, Another Dress Rehearsal, Scholarship, Simple Expression, Game of Nuts

UVa Online Judge

The 3n + 1 problem, Ecological Bin Packing, Rare Order, Squares, Maya Calendar, Unix ls, MPI Maelstrom, Black Box, King, Frogger, Wormholes, The PATH, Self Numbers, Date Bugs, Page Hopping, The Tourist Guide, Foreign Exchange