Mint Angel

terminals main shot mandelbrot


  • Background: inner color angel by CGCh (twitter tumblr)
    • Paper-like texture on the side is generated by bluring RGB noise in GIMP.
  • Font
    • Hack: a beautiful monospace font. :)


  • window manager: dwm

  • app launcher: dmenu

    • patches applied: line-height
    • a little hack is applied to keep process tree cleaner
  • status monitor: status, a simple C program included in the repo

  • terminal emulator: st

    • patches applied: alpha
    • custom color for this rice

Software (Recommended)


Simple make && make install will install all included programs under ${HOME}/.local, where executables will be placed in ${HOME}/.local/bin.

You may edit config/*-config.h to customize further.

Use/edit included xinitrc.exmple or write your own startup script. You're on your own if you want to use other methods.

Uninstalling is as easy as simple make uninstall.