
This repository contains a prototype implementation of the Mapping Synthesis Tool.

Primary LanguageAlloy


This repository contains the source code for a prototype implementation of the Mapping Synthesis tool, which takes (1) a pair of event-based behavioral models (one depicting a high-level design and another a low-level platform) (2) a property of the high-level design, and (3) produces a mapping from the high-level model to the low-level one ensuring that the satisfaction of the given property.

More details about the synthesis problem and the procedure is described in the following report:



  • /libs: Native libraries for SAT solvers used by the verifier (currently, Alloy Analyzer).
  • /models: Models provided as inputs to the synthesizer.
  • /src: Source code for the synthesizer.
  • /util: Auxiliary tools.
    • parsepan: Used to parse verifier results from SPIN.


The simplest way to build and execute the synthesizer is by using the Scala IDE, which is available to download for free:


Once inside the IDE, create a new Scala project and import the source files (/src). The project relies on native libraries for SAT solvers (used by the Alloy Anayzer). These libraries reside in /libs, but the directory location must be added to the project build path; in the IDE, this can be modified through the project "Properities" -> "Java Build Path" -> "Source" -> "Native library location".

The main entry functions for the tool is located in "/src/synthesis/Synthesizer.scala".


Please send any questions or comments to Eunsuk Kang (eskang@cmu.edu).