
microservice architecture

Primary LanguagePython


CoffeeMesh is a fictitious company that allows customers to order all sorts of products derived from coffee, including beverages and pastries. CoffeeMesh has one mission: to make and deliver the best coffee in the world on demand to its customers, no matter where they are or when they place their order. The production factories owned by CoffeeMesh form a dense network, a mesh of coffee production units that spans several countries. Coffee production is fully automated, and deliveries are carried out by an unmanned fleet of drones operating 24/7. When a customer places an order through the CoffeeMesh website, the ordered items are produced on demand. An algorithm determines which factory is the most suitable place to produce each item based on available stock, the number of pending orders the factory is taking care of, and distance to the customer. Once the items are produced, they’re immediately dispatched to the customer. It’s part of CoffeeMesh’s mission statement that the customer receives each item fresh and hot. Now that we have an example to work with, let’s see how we design the microser- vices architecture for the CoffeeMesh platform. Before we learn to apply service decomposition strategies for microservices, the next section teaches you three principles that will guide our designs. alt text




It is written according to the Microservice APIs book