
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A custom presentation of a bevager.com user's data via asynchronous import.


A www.bevager.com instance site, while appreciated, leaves quite a bit to be desired from a UI/UX perspective. Current grievances are:

  • No multi-column sorting (country + name, or price + name)
  • No filtering by signature status
  • Note column content makes table unusable

By exporting bevager data (from the rendered table) and rendering into html ourselves we can apply whatever custom visualizations we desire.


As made apparent by the requirements.txt file, this app relies on underlying technologies of MongoDB, and redis as its primary datastore, and celery queue, respectively. Installation of these dependencies is left as an exercise to the user.


brew install redis
brew install mongodb
redis-server &
mongod --dbpath .


A top-level credentials.yaml file is expected to provide username: password mapping for use by the BevagerClient class in bevager_cli.py.

It is recommended to install dependencies within a virtualenvironment:

virtualenv env
. ./env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

The app can be started by invoking python with the app.py file as its argument:

python app.py
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Similarly, the celery process can be started (in another window, or tmux pane) as such:

(bevager) dnathe4th@~/bevager-redux: celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info

Once the app and celery workers are up and running, the initial dump of data can be loaded from bevager:

(bevager) dnathe4th@~/bevager-redux: python
>>> from tasks import load_rums
>>> load_rums.delay(user='<USER NAME PRESENT IN CREDENTIALS.YAML>')

This will trigger a single celery task to log into bevager and load the table of data, and then triggers independent celery tasks to upsert each rum listed into the datastore.

Dump to CSV

mongoexport --db bevager --collection rums --fields country,name,notes,signed,price,available --out rums.csv --type=csv


Since the data import is done via [beautifulsoup] parsing of the html table on bevager.com, significant changes to the html will disrupt data import. Current assumptions about the shape of the table are:

  • rows relating to rums are identified by presence of an 'item' html class.
  • Country name is available from the first column, with whitespace stripped.
  • Rum name is available from the second column, with whitespace stripped.
  • Price is available from the third column, and is an integer after removing whitespace, leading dollar sign, and truncating decimal.
  • Signature status is available in the fourth column, and is indicated by the text 'REQ' (unrequested), a 'fa-check' class (requested), or otherwise (pending).
  • Notes are available in the fifth column, with whitespace stripped.
  • Availability is determined by the presence of a 'historic-item' class on the entire row.


  • Bevager data import is currently triggered by hand rather than scheduled as it should be.
  • Notes should be optionally rendered.
  • Rums should be selectable for more information to match bevager functionality.
  • Rums should be requesable with persistance back to bevager.
  • Notes should be submittable with persistance back to bevager.
  • Some form of authentication should exist.
  • Non-defaults for mongodb/redis should probably be used.