
A VS Code theme for low brightness monitors

Bartleby at Night Theme


A theme for use on low brightness displays. Vivid, dark, versitle.


Heavily based upon and inspired by Hisoka and Dracula at Night themes, definitely a first draft. For the record I use this theme for writing code on a laptop on which I keep the screen dim to prolong the battery life, and I have a tendancy to work in dark rooms. I suspect it would work well on a projector display in a bright room. The colors are vivid for visibility, the backgrounds are dark to avoid blinding me, and the supporting elements are soft yet visible. Oddly the color of the comments took the most fiddling.

So far I have only used this theme for javascript, html, and some random things like .json and readme files. YMMV when it comes to other languages, but feel free to leave feedback.

Editor Preview

Preview of the editor 1 Preview of the editor 2

For more information

git: https://github.com/esklarski/bartleby-at-night.git

