
WIP: A Github bot for team workflow made with Probot

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


A GitHub App for team workflow (built with Probot).

Activate EskWorkflow in your own project

  1. Go to EskWorkflow GitHub page, click on Install, and select the repository / user / organization you want to install it on.

  2. Inside the repository where you want to use EskWorflow, create a directory named .github in the root of your repo (if it doesn't exist already), and add a file named eskworkflow.yaml. This file will content your custom configuration for EskWorkflow in a very simple YAML format.

Add automatic tags for new issues on the repo

Inside your configuration file (/.github/eskworkflow.yaml) add the auto_add_labels configuration.


  - name: "New issue"
    color: "336699"
  - name: "Tada! :tada:"
    color: "663399"

Each label that you define will be autmatically added to every new issue you create on your repository.

Auto tagging

Automatic workflow on a project (based on GitHub labels)

Inside your configuration file (/.github/eskworkflow.yaml) add the repo_project_workflow configuration.


  - name: "Some project"
  - columns:
    - column:
      - name: "New issue"
      - labels:
        - name: "New issue"
          color: "336699"
    - column:
      - name: "To do"
      - labels:
        - name: "To do"
          color: "669933"
        - name: "Reopened issue"
          color: "339966"
    - column:
      - name: "In progress"
      - labels:
        - name: "In progress"
          color: "996633"
    - column:
      - name: "Done"
      - labels:
        - name: "Done"
          color: "993366"

After setting up this configuration file:

  1. Go to your github repository, and click on the Projects tab.
  2. Click on Create a new project.
  3. Use the same project name that you defined in your configuration file (in this case Some project). And no template.
  4. The project will be set up automatically 🎉

Now you just need to use the labels you set in your configuration to tag your issues, and the board will be updated automatically everytime a label is modified.

Project example


Issue labeling and automatic workflow



If you have suggestions for how eskworkflow could be improved, or want to report a bug, open an issue! We'd love all and any contributions.

For more, check out the Contributing Guide.


ISC © 2020 Samuel Jimenez sjimenezre@gmail.com