- md5
- sha256
- sha224
./ft_ssl command [command options] [command args]
Available commands are "md5", "sha256" and "sha224"
- "-p" -> Reads from STDIN. Outputs text to hash, and the hash in a new line.
- "-s" -> ./ft_ssl takes a string as a parameter and not a file.
- "-q" -> Quiet mode: outputs only the hash (Message Digest).
- "-r" -> Reverse: outputs hash first, file path or string after.
echo "test" > file.txt
./ft_ssl md5 file.txt
./ft_ssl sha256 -s "Some example"
echo "test 1" > file1.txt
echo "test 2" > file2.txt
echo "test 3" > file3.txt
./ft_ssl md5 file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt