Test challenge

Please see the Readmes in terraform and ansible directories on how to get started.

First step is to provison the required infrastructure which is done with Terraform.

Follow the instructions inside terraform to set up and trigger the initial run with terraform apply.

This will go ahead and create the needed AWS infrastructure, configure the VM instance with Ansible and output Nginx page content in the required format.

For any future Ansible runs, execute ansible-playbook command from ansible directory like so: ansible-playbook test-instance.yml

Future nice to haves, outside of the scope of this challenege

  • Terraform: remote state storage
  • Cadvisor: I thought about creating a little script that logs the container usage every 10 seconds to filesystem. Something like:
while true
docker stats --no-stream nginx >> /data/nginx/container_usage.log
sleep 10

However it is more futureproof to use a proper container stats exporter like Cadvisor. In a production environment Cadvisor can then be scraped by a monitoring solution, such as Prometheus, for historical retrieval.

  • Add CI/CD and tests