
Beany is an interactive command-line client for beanstalkd

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Beany is an interactive command-line client for beanstalkd written in Go



  • Persistent history
  • Mass deletion of jobs on selected tube
  • Paged output when viewing jobs
  • Tube autocompletion for commands


go get github.com/eskriett/beany


beany [options]

Running beany without any arguments will start it in interactive mode. By default it will attempt to connect to

$ beany
Connected to ''
[default] >>> version
beany version: 0.0.1

All commands can also be provided as arguments, e.g.

$ beany version
beany version: 0.0.1

A list of available commands can be viewed with:

$ beany help

  clear               clear the screen
  connect             connects to a beanstalk server
  delete              delete a job
  delete-buried       deletes all buried jobs on the current tube
  delete-delayed      deletes all delayed jobs on the current tube
  delete-ready        deletes all ready jobs on the current tube
  disconnect          disconnects from the beanstalk server
  exit                exit the program
  help                display help
  info                info about the current connection
  kick                kick jobs from the current tube
  list-tubes          lists tubes
  peek-buried         peek at buried jobs
  peek-delayed        peek at delayed jobs
  peek-ready          peek at ready jobs
  put                 puts data on the current tube
  stats               display server statistics
  stats-tube          stats the current tube
  use                 use a tube
  version             display version information

Additional information for a particular command can be view with:

$ beany peek-ready help

Looks at the job at the front of the ready queue.

A tube argument can also be provided, otherwise uses the current active tube:

  peek-ready <TUBE>

This command is available via the 'pr' alias


beany maintains a persistent history, this can be found at ~/.beany_history.


Coloured output can be disabled with beany --boring


By default beany will use whatever the $PAGER environment variable is configured to, otherwise it will default to less -R. For example to run beany with more run:

$ PAGER=more beany


When use the put command beany will first look for the editor defined by the $EDITOR envrionment variable. If this cannot be found, beany will fallback to using vi. For example, to run beany with nano:

$ EDITOR=nano beany




Library Use
github.com/abiosoft/ishell interactive shell library
github.com/kr/beanstalk beanstalk client
github.com/fatih/color colour output
github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter ascii table

Also thanks to beanwalker for the initial inspiration for this tool