

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

ESL-CGRA Simulator

This notebook allows you to manage kernels, simulate them and generate assembly files that can the be integrated into the CGRA-X-HEEP flow. This simulator does not include the compilation of C code into CGRA-compatible assembly code. For that purpose refer to SAT-MapIt.


It is divided into 3 main components:

Utility files

Include the simulator per se and a set of tools to simplify the process of generating, debugging and exporting the results.

Kernel folders

A kernel is a section of an application that wants to be accelerated in the CGRA. Each kernel has a folder with its name. All the files needed to run a simulation should be inside them and follow the naming convention detailed in Creating a kernel. These include (but are not restricted to):

  • (optional) A file containing the SAT-MapIt output.

  • (optional) A hand-written assembly file.

  • (optional) A memory.csv file including the indexed values that the kernel can access from memory.

    You can either write this file by hand or fill the memory using the kernel_add_memory_region function.

  • A instructions.csv file containing a matrix of operations to be executed by each Processing Element (PE) during each instruction.

    This file can be automatically generated from a .out file or hand-written assembly.

  • A memory_out.csv file is generated after every run of the simulator. This file is overriden, so save it somewhere else if you want to keep track of it.

You may have more than one version of the instructions and memory files (all named instructions<version>.csv or memory<version>.csv (replacing <version> with any string).


An simulator.ipynb is provided to play with the different functionalities of the simulator. You can run actions and see the output directly there. Also, a separate notebook for each example is provided.


The usage of the simulator throught the notebook is very straight-forward.

Creating a kernel

Creating a kernel involves creating a folder with its name and populating it with the necessary files. The module kernels provide some functions to assist in this task.


To generate a new folder and fill it with empty memory file call.



The memory can be easily populated with some patter by calling the function

kernel_add_memory_region( "<kernel_name>", <address>, <array_of_values>, [<version>])

The memory.csv file should always have this format

Address Data
<address 0> <data 0>
<address 1> <data 1>
. . . . . .

Address values do not need to be ordered. When the kernel tries to access a certain address, it will go through the table until it finds it, then return the corresponding data. If the address is not found, -1 is returned (simulating a flash read from an empty address).

When storing information, the kernel will look for the address specified and write in the corresponding data space the value given. If the address is not found, a new line is created containing it.

When using the kernel_add_memory function, overlaps are not considered (i.e. a same memory address might appear more than once in the table, but only the first one will be considered by the simulator -as it will always be found first). Be careful. In addition, the default data size is 32 bits, so that consecutive elements will be in memory addresses with a difference of 4.


The inputs file need to be filled manually. Note that there are as many columns as CGRA columns there are. Column 1 of the inputs file will be accessed by column 0 of the CGRA, and so on. The index increments downwards.


Instruction files can be generated automatically from the output of SAT-MapIt or a manually-written assembly file following the same structure, or can be created manually editing the .csv file.

It should has the same number of columns as the CGRA and only as many rows as instructions + the header of each instruction.

Each instruction is composed as follows (for a $2 \times 2$ CGRA):

<instr. number>
<op. for PE 00> <op. for PE 01>
<op. for PE 10> <op. for PE 11>


  • Always place only the instruction number only in the first column.
  • Do not leave empty rows (not even at the end of the file).

The instructions file can be modified to play around with the kernel. If different options want to be considered, the instructions file can be given a version as instruction<version>.csv. For different versions of the instructions file you will also need a different version of the memory file, given as memory<version>.csv. When requesting the execution of a kernel, provide the name of the kernel and (optionally) the desired version.

Changing the CGRA size

Currently the CGRA size is hardcoded in the cgra.py module. You can change this value to whatever dimensions you want, even non squared.

Providing functionality to change this from the notebook interface should be pretty straightforward. If you feel generous today, please open a pull request :)

Running a kernel

Once the whole kernel folder has been filled, you can simply run a simulation by calling the run function of the cgra module.

import cgra

Temporal record

In the output of the notebook a step by step state of each PE's output register is printed until an EXIT instruction is reached. If this instruction was not added, you might very well want to cancel the execution.

Each instruction is divided by dashes and headed by the step number and the instruction being executed (the one found in the instructions file):

Instr = <step number> (<instruction number>)

Each PE in the matrix shows (by default) the value of ROUT after each iteration. For example:

Instr =  8 ( 3 )
[   0,    0,    0,    0]
[   2,    2,    2,    0]
[   3,    3,    3,    0]
[   0,    0,    0,    0]

What is shown in each cell can be modified when calling the run function. For instance calling the function as follows will output the value of R0 instead of ROUT for the kernel convolution in its version _v2 (i.e. will run the instructions from the file convolution/instructions_v2.csv).

run("convolution", version="_v2", pr=["ROUT", "OPS"])

Optional pr parameters include:

Parameter Description
ROUT (default) The output register of the PE
R0 - R3 One of the 4 available registers of each P
INST The full instruction that the cell is executing
OPS The name of the operation that the cell is executing
[<p1>, <p2>] An array with any amount of the above parameters


Outputs written using the SWD or SWI operations are written into a memory_out.csv file, so the memory.csv file is untouched for future executions. The memory_out.csv file is overriden on every run.

Additional notes

  • If you make any modification to the utility scripts, you might need to restart the notebook for the changes to apply.