
RTOS compatible with ARM processors, TCBs are implemented as circular linked list and used assembly instructions to implement context switching using SysTick handler and another assembly instructions to save TCB registers before importing C scheduler function (Round Robin, Priority based schedulers , Semaphores, Queues, OS services).

Primary LanguageC


RTOS compatible with ARM processors (Round Robin, Priority based schedulers , Semaphores, Queues, OS services)

Implementation of different algorithims for real time operating systems.

1- OS 1.0 its scheduler all in assembly and work with equal time slice for every task and the implementation of task control block based on circular linked list. : -To use this OS First you have to define number of tasks in OS.h file -Use OS_TaskCreate to create tasks just that without priorities or periods -OS_Start to start OS with desired time tick

2- OS 1.1 its scheduler is the same but in C and thread switching in assembly and imported this C function in assembly code. :This allows me in future updates to modify this function -Added Spin lock semaphore. -Added Mail box. -Added OS services like OS_TaskYield

: -To use this OS First you have to define number of tasks in OS.h file -Use OS_TaskCreate to create tasks just that without priorities or periods -OS_Start to start OS with desired time tick

3- OS 2.0 its scheduler skips blocked and delayed tasks -Added delayed section in task control block -Added Blocked section in task control block -Implement Cooperative semaphores -Blocked section is decreased by 1 every semaphore (OS_Wait) -Added FIFO Buffer queue -Added OS serives OS_TaskDelay

4- OS 3.0 its scheduler is priority based scheduler decides which task to run if itsn't blocked or delayed and highest priority. -Added priority section in task control block -Moved portable files into one file OS_Portable so the user can use it on any ARM MCU, just make some changes in that file.

Refrences: UC/OS II for ARM files and Jonathan Valvano's book: Real-Time Operating Systems for Arm Cortex M Microcontrollers.

Email : eslamaboutaleb@yahoo.com Number : 01002044529