Chat App

TO Run The Project

composer install

npm install && npm run dev

Connect to your database

php artisan migrate

php artisan serve

My Image

Code Preview

We are making a simple query to get all Messages (Sent and Received), While using with('user') to get Relationship between them. We are using if condition to make sure there are a chat selected.

public function mount()
    if ($this->activeUserChat)
        $this->allMessages  = Message::with('user')


And here we get $this->activeUserChat, Then we remount the component.

public function getMessage($id)
    $this->activeUserChat = User::where('id', $id)->first();

We are looping over allMessages Then we know if those messages are sent or reviced

@if ($message->user->id == auth()->user()->id)

I used <div wire:poll.1000ms></div> To refresh component every second to get any new message we receive but it seem it did only work with message time(sent from), But on changing chat or sending a new message the component will live refresh to get recent messages

Filtering messages for bad words was easy because of Profanity Package. I added some bad words in Profanity config file

$filterdMessage = app('profanityFilter')->filter($this->message);

And used $filterdMessage to insert bad messages as stars (****) into database.