
Elimination test for ADRI's internship program

Welcome to the ADRI internship program preliminary test

Task 1:

1.1 Create a public Github repository with the following name: ADRI-Springboot-YOURNAME

(You will need to create a Github account if you don't already have one)

1.2 Clone your repository on your local machine and intialize a SpringBoot folder with the following characteristics :

(Hint: use Spring Initializr)

  • Project Type: Gradle
  • Language: Java
  • SpringBoot version: 2.7.8
  • Packaging: Jar
  • Java Version: 8
  • Group ID: com.adri
  • Artifact ID / Name: AdriInternship_YOUR-NAME


If you need to add any dependecies later on:

  1. Go to MVN Repository.
  2. Search for the dependency that you need.
  3. Select Gradle from the package manager selector.
  4. Copy paste the import text into your application.properties file.
  • Spring Web
  • Spring Data JPA
  • MySQL Driver

Task 2:

2.1 Download and Install Docker-Desktop.

2.2 Use docker compose to create a mysql container with a user table.

  1. Download the docker_assets folder into your local machine.
  2. Open the folder in a terminal.
  3. type the command docker compose up -d in your terminal to create your container.

This will create a Msql database called adri with username: intern and password: intern123

Task 3: Your first SpringBoot application

Navigate back to your SpringBoot folder for this task

3.1 Create an endpoint that returns a hello message to the user.

  • Method Type: GET
  • Input: None
  • Returns: Hello message

3.2 Create an endpoint that returns the specified user's information using their username.

  • Method Type: GET
  • Request Param: user_name (String)
  • Returns: User information (JSON)

3.3 Create an endpoint that adds a user to MySQL database.

  • Method Type: POST
  • Input: User Information (JSON)
  • Returns: User Information (JSON)

Task 4: Theory Questions

Add a README.md file like this one Example_README.md to your repository and put your answers in it.

Please answer these questions in your own way

Q1. In your own words, what is an API?

Q2. What's the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases?

Q3. What is Git and what is it used for?

Q4. What constitutes clean code?


Submit a link to your Github repository to this Google form
