
Explains Design Patterns in Details and Use Cases in Real Life Senario also Javascript Advanced Practices

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nodejs Design Patterns

Design Pattern is a Reusable Solution to Recurring Problem were Popularized in the 90s by the almost Legendary Gang of Four (GoF) Split into Three Things Creational, Structural , Behavioral Patterns

Creational Design Patterns

Creational Design Patterns Solved Alot Of Problems Related to The Creation Of Object Split into Multiple Patterns

  • Factory
  • Builder
  • Singleton
  • Revealing Constructor (Not Related to GoF Patterns)

Abstract Factory Design Pattern

Solved Problem

  • Decouple the Creation of an Object from Implementation
  • also can used to Enforce the Encapsulation by Leveraging Closures

What's Meaning By Decouple Creation here ?
like if i want to Refactor Class and add new Classes Will be Dynamically to add new Type
E.G: Need to Add a Class Handles the Logic Of The Creation of Gif Image
and another one for JPEG Image and so on
if i want to add new Class for Another Different Images and Code Still Clean?
So The Best way to do That is Abstract Factory Pattern

Abstract Factory Dynamic Class Code Snippet

import { ImageGif } from './imageGif.js';
import { ImageJpeg } from './imageJpeg.js';
import { ImagePng } from './imagePng.js';

function createImage(name) {
  if (name.match(/\.jpe?g$/)) {
    return new ImageJpeg(name);
  } else if (name.match(/\.gif$/)) {
    return new ImageGif(name);
  } else if (name.match(/\.png$/)) {
    return new ImagePng(name);
  } else {
    throw new Error('Unsupported format');

const image1 = createImage('photo.jpg');
const image2 = createImage('photo.gif');
const image3 = createImage('photo.png');

Builder Design Pattern

Builder is Used to Simplifies the Creation of Complex Object by Providing a Fluent interface allow us to Build Object Step by Step The First Question is What's Complex Object and how this Help me ? The Complex Object here is Reference to Object that The Creation of it Takes alot of things Like Takes alot Of Paramters as Input, have a long steps to Create it

in The Wild

Builder is Common patterns in JS As Superagent Already Uses Builder Pattern Because Request takes too many Paramters to it as an input Superagent Builder Source Code

Builder Code Snippet

Builder Result Object

import { UrlBuilder } from './urlBuilder.js';

const url = new UrlBuilder().setProtocol('https').setAuthentication('user', 'pass').setHostname('example.com').build();

Builder Class Note return this it's Related to Chain of Responsibilites we will talk later about this Pattern

export class UrlBuilder {
  setProtocol(protocol) {
    this.protocol = protocol;
    return this;

  setAuthentication(username, password) {
    this.username = username;
    this.password = password;
    return this;

  setHostname(hostname) {
    this.hostname = hostname;
    return this;

  setPort(port) {
    this.port = port;
    return this;

  setPathname(pathname) {
    this.pathname = pathname;
    return this;

  setSearch(search) {
    this.search = search;
    return this;

  setHash(hash) {
    this.hash = hash;
    return this;

  build() {
    return new Url(

Singleton Design Pattern

The Purpose of Singleton is to Enforece the Presence of only one instance of class and Centralize it's Access

Use Case:

  • Sharing Stateful Information
  • Optimize the Resource of Usage
  • Synchronize access to Resource In The Wild: Database Connection Already Using This Pattern The Easiest Way to Create Singleton in Nodejs is Just to Cache the Module

Singleton Code Snippet

class Calculator {
  constructor(initialVal) {
    this.initialVal = initialVal;
  increase(val) {
    this.initialVal += parseInt(val);
  total() {
    return this.initialVal;
module.exports = new Calculator(0);

Wiring Modules (This One of the Most Interesting Topics Singleton + Dependency injection)

Every App is The Result of Aggregation of Several Components and App Grows, the Way we connect these Components Becomses Win Or Lose Factor For the Maintainability and Success Of The Project
This Great Quote From Nodejs Design Patterns Book And Most of Code Snippets Also

Let's Say we Have A Service(A) >>>>>>>> Service(B)
We want these Services Talks With Each Other and also Reuse These Services in Different Places
So Every time we will Create new Instance From This Service ?
The First Thing Comes in your Mind is to Make It as Singleton And that's Also what is i was Thinking about at First But we still have a Problem here is Related to
1- Mock Our Services
2- Let's Say i will change the whole Object Also
these Two Problem Can Solve by Dependency Injection
Just Inject The Object to Another Objection Constructor

Dependency Injection

Module System with Singleton can Servce as Great Tool for Organizing and Wiring Component Together

but on the other hand they Might Be Tighter Coupling between Components

So Dependency Injection is the Ideal Solution for Wiring Modules Together, And Solving The Coupling between Modules, and Mock Test Cases


  • Solving Thightly Coupled Between Modules
  • Mock Services Easily

So Now The Communication Between Services is Become Easy By Using Singleton + Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection Code Snippet

export class Blog {
  constructor(db) {
    this.db = db;
    this.dbRun = promisify(db.run.bind(db));
    this.dbAll = promisify(db.all.bind(db));
  initialize() {}
  createPost(id, title, content, createdAt) {}
  getAllPosts() {}
import { Blog } from './blog.js';

const db = createDb(join(__dirname, 'data.sqlite'));
const blog = new Blog(db);


Most of Frameworks already Using these Staff like Nestjs, Laravel,... by Another Pattern Called Inversion of Control (IOC) Allows us to Shift the Responsibilites of Wiring modules to Third Party Package Called (IOC Containers) One of the Most Interseting Typescript IOC Container is InversifyJS

Structural Design Patterns

Structural Design Patterns Are Focused on Prodividing ways To Realize Relationshop between Entites

  • Proxy: A Pattern That Allows us to Control Access to Another Object
  • Decorator: A Common Pattern to Enhance and Add New Functionality to Existing Object
  • Adapter: Allows us to Access the Functionality Of Object Using Different Interface like a Wrapper

Proxy Design Pattern

Proxy Pattern Mainly Control Access to Another Object Called Subject The Proxy and Subject Have Identical The Same Interface (E.G Function names)

Use Cases
  • Data Validation: The Proxy Validates the INput Before Forwarding it to the Subject
  • Security: Proxy Verifies that the Client is Authorized to Perform the functionality
  • Caching: The Proxy Keeps internal Cache so that the Proxied Operation are executed
  • Logging: Before Execute the Subject Functionality we can Easily log anything

If You Want Fully Code check Proxy Folder inside StructuralPatterns

in The Wild
  • LoopBack: Framework Using Proxy to intercept and enhance method calls on Controllers & Custom Validation
  • Vuejs Version3: Has reimplemented Observable properties using Proxy Pattern

Proxy Code Snippet

class Calculator {
  divide(dividend, divisor) {
    const result = dividend / divisor;
    return result;

class SafeCalculator {
  constructor(calculator) {
    this.calculator = calculator;
  divide(dividend, divisor) {
    if (divisor === 0) {
      throw Error('Division by 0');
    return this.calculator.divide(dividend, divisor);
const calculator = new Calculator();
const safeCalculator = new SafeCalculator(calculator);

Decorator Design Pattern

Structural Design Pattern That Consists in Dynamically Augmenting the Behavior of Existing Object it's Very Similar to Proxy Design Pattern But There is Some Difference

Diff Between Proxy & Decorator
Decotrator: Allows to Enhance the Functionality of Existing Object with new Behavior
Proxy: is Used to Control the Access to A Concrete or Virtual Object

If You Look at this Picture you will see MethodC() has been added Not Like the same we did at Proxy there is not New Functionality their

Use Cases

One of the most Use Case here if you want to Enhance the Functionality of Existing Object so After Google Created LevelUp Database Most of Developers Enhanced it and used it in different Senarios You Can Look at this Repo Awesome-levelUp-Database

If You Want Fully Code check Decorator Folder inside StructuralPatterns

Decorator Code Snippet

class Calculator {
  divide(dividend, divisor) {
    const result = dividend / divisor;
    return result;

class EnhancedCalculator {
  constructor(calculator) {
    this.calculator = calculator;
  add(X, Y) {
    return X + Y;
  divide(dividend, divisor) {
    if (divisor === 0) {
      throw Error('Division by 0');
    return this.calculator.divide(dividend, divisor);
const calculator = new Calculator();
const enhancedCalculator = new EnhancedCalculator(calculator);

Adapter Design Pattern

The Adapter Patterns allows us to Access the Functionality of an Object Using Different Interface Like a Wrapper Around any Functionality

Real Life Example

adapter would be a Device that allows you to Plug a USB Type-A Cable into USB Type-C Port

Use Cases

We Are Going to Wrap fs-module and makes our Fs-module and Saving the Result in memory instead of File

If You Want Fully Code check Adapter Folder inside StructuralPatterns and also Highly Recomended Check This Repo if you want to know more about Adapter and Dependency Invesion Principle Dependency-Inversion-With-Payment-Gateway-Using-Stripe-Paypal

Adapter Code Snippet

import FsMemoryAdapter from './fs-adapter-memory.js';
import VirtualMemory from './virtualMemory.js';

const db = new VirtualMemory();
const fs = new FsMemoryAdapter(db);

fs.writeFile('file.txt', 'Hello!', () => {
  fs.readFile('file.txt', { encoding: 'utf8' }, (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
      return console.error(err);
// try to read a missing file
fs.readFile('missing.txt', { encoding: 'utf8' }, (err, res) => {

Behavioral Design Patterns

Mainly Focus at the Behavior of the Component and how Combine Objects and how to Define The Way the Communicates with Each Other

Major Problems Mainly Creational Design Patterns Focus on

  • How Do i Change Part of Algorithm at the Run time
  • How Change Behavior of Object Based on State
  • How Do i Iterate over Collection Without Knowing the Implementation

Behavioral Design Patterns Are Focused on Prodividing ways Make Communication between Object Easier

  • Strategy: Helps Us Change Parts of Components to Adapt it to Specific needs
  • State: Allows us to Change Behavior of Component based on State
  • Template: Allows us to Reuse the Structure of Component to Define new One
  • Iterator: Iterate over collection without knowing implementation
  • Command: Handle Information Transfered , stored and Processed

Strategy Design Pattern

Change Part Of Algorithm at Runtime and Easily change the whole Logic Based on Context

Use Cases
  • if you would like change the way you're Calculating the fees at the runtime
  • Like if you want to Implement A Feature Loading Data from A Configuration File one is Json and the other is .ini
In The Wild
  • Passport Authentication Library already Uses Strategy To Separate the Common Logic during Authentication Process Like Facebook / Twitter and other Social media Authentication
Note Strategy / Adapter Difference

Strategy & Adapter patterns looks similar to Each others but Adapter Doesn't Add any Behavior Just makes it under another interface so the difference that strategy looks Dynamic and Easily Change but adapter is Static without and Behavior

Strategy Code Snippet

class Shipping {
  constructor() {
    this.company = '';
  setStrategy(company) {
    this.company = company;
  calculate(packageMoney) {
    return this.company.calculate(packageMoney);

class UPS {
  constructor() {
    this.calculate = function (packageMoney) {
      console.log('Passed Package Money Here');
      // calculations...
      return '$45.95';
class Fedex {
  constructor() {
    this.calculate = function (packageMoney) {
      console.log('Passed Package Money Here');
      // calculations...
      return '$43.20';
// Two Strategy
var ups = new UPS();
var fedex = new Fedex();
// Context we have
var shipping = new Shipping();
console.log('UPS Strategy: ' + shipping.calculate(packageMoney));

console.log('Fedex Strategy: ' + shipping.calculate(packageMoney));

State Design Pattern

State Pattern is Specialization of Strategy Pattern Where the Strategy Changes Depending On The State of The Context Because Normal Strategy Remains unChanged For THe Rest of Lifespan Of Context Object

One of the Best Example you can See at the Reactjs App If Anything Changed already Conflict on the Whole Page Without Refresh

You Can Check the Whole Code Snippet at the Directory BehavioralPatterns/State

Template Design Pattern

Defines Abstract Class that Implements the Skeleton ( Represent Common Parts )
Has Alot in Common with Strategy
The Intent of This Pattern is To Make it Possible to Define a Family of Classes that Are All Variations of A Family of Component

Note Strategy / Template Difference (The Purpose)

Strategy and Template is Very Similar but the Difference Between the Two Lies in Structure and Implementation.
Both allow us to Change the Variable Parts of Component While Reusing the Common Pars,

Strategy: allows to Do It Dynamically at the runtime
Template: The Complete Component is Determined the moment the concrete class is defined

Template use Case might be More Suitable where we want to create prepackaged variations of Component

In The Wild

when you want to Create you Own Custom Stream and Extends Readable, Writable,... etc You Must Implements Methods like read(), write(), and so On The Create your Custom Stream

Template Code Snippet

class Shipping {
  calculate() {
    throw new Error('calculate() must be implemented');

class UPS extends Shipping {
  constructor() {
    this.calculate = function (packageMoney) {
      console.log('Passed Package Money Here');
      // calculations...
      return '$45.95';

class Fedex extends Shipping {
  constructor() {
    this.calculate = function (packageMoney) {
      console.log('Passed Package Money Here');
      // calculations...
      return '$43.20';

var packageMoney = { from: '76712', to: '10012', weigth: 'lkg' };
var ups = new UPS();
var fedex = new Fedex();

console.log('UPS Strategy: ' + ups.calculate(packageMoney));
console.log('USPS Strategy: ' + fedex.calculate(packageMoney));

Iterator Design Pattern

Iterator Pattern Defines a Common Interface or Protocol for Iterating The Elements of Container Such As Array or Tree Data Structure iterate Different Depends on the Data Structure

Benefits Of Iterator Design Patterns

Decouple the Implementation of Traversal Algorithm From The Way We Consume The Result

Implementation Of Iterator

Iterator Pattern is self have so many Different Ways to Implement It,
Like Iterate over Arrays, Iterate over Async Operation Using Generator or Normal Function and so Many things Here we will use Something Called Javascript Protocol Comes with ES5 Help Us To implement Iterator Pattern Easily with Normal Async Operations

Use Case (Very Important and Commonly Used)
  • Iterate over Data Paginated By REST API and Want to Get All Data
  • Iterate over Requests Received By Http Service
  • Iterate over Result of an SQL Query

We Are going To Implement Simple Example Send Request to Multiple URLs And Check if Available Or Not Also Check Directory BehavioralPatterns/Iterator Pattern For More Example Using Generators

Iterator Code Snippet

import superagent from 'superagent';
export class CheckUrls {
  constructor(urls) {
    this.urls = urls;

  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
    const urlsIterator = this.urls[Symbol.iterator]();

    return {
      async next() {
        const iteratorResult = urlsIterator.next();
        if (iteratorResult.done) {
          return { done: true };

        const url = iteratorResult.value;
        try {
          const checkResult = await superagent.head(url).redirects(2);
          return {
            done: false,
            value: `${url} is up, status: ${checkResult.status}`,
        } catch (err) {
          return {
            done: false,
            value: `${url} is down, error: ${err.message}`,

const checkUrls = new CheckUrls([
for await (const status of checkUrls) {

Command Design Pattern

A Command Pattern can be any Object that Encapsulates all the Information neccessary To Perform an Action at later Time So, instead of invoking a method or a function directly, we create an object representing the intention to perform such an invocation.

Most of Functionality has been used to undo(), delay() , run() Speicific Operations

In The Wild

The Best Example of Command Pattern at the Wild is Redux That Separate the Action From The Execution That updated the Reducers it's also often has Been Using In Functional Programming

Fully Example you Can Find in The Directory BehavioralPattern/Command