A small C++ header-only library of numerical methods for linear algebra, root-finding, interpolators and ODE solving.
using integerMat = Numericc::Super::Matrix<int>; // custom matrix class
using namespace Numericc::LinearAlgebra;
integerMat A = { {4, 1, 2, 1}, {1, 7, 1, 0}, {2, 1, 4, -1}, {1, 0, -1, 3} };
integerMat C = { {1, 8, -2, 8}, {10, 1, -1, 0}, {-4, -6, 16, 0}, {10, -9, -7, 1} };
integerMat B = { -8, -20, -2, 4}; // 1D matrix representation
/* Matrix manipulations */
auto A_trans = A.Transpose();
auto A_det = A.Determinant();
auto A_inverse = A.Inverse();
auto A_adjoint = A.Adjoint();
auto A_minmax = A.MinMax(); // struct {T min,max};
auto D = A * C // matrix multiplication
auto E = D * 5;
/* Linear Algebra */
/* struct { Matrix<T> A, Matrix<T> B // components of the resulting A|B triangular augmented matrix. , Matrix<T> X // solution to Ax = B } */
using LSS = Numericc::Solutions::LinearSystemSolution<double>;
/* struct { T eigenvalue // largest eigen value
, std::vector<T> eigenvector // corresponding eigenvector } */
using PIS = Numericc::Solutions::PowerIterationSolution<double>; // struct
LSS linear = LinearSystemSolver(A, B); // solves linear system Ax = B .
std::cout << linear.A << linear.B << linear.X << std::endl; // overloaded << for matrices .
auto A_db = A.Convert(); // to double
auto B_db = B.Convert(); //
auto correct = A_db * linear.X == B_db.Transpose(); // true
size_t max_iters = 100;
PIS pis = PowerIteration(A, max_iters); // computes largest eigenvalue of matrix and corresponding eigenvector.
std::cout << pis.eigenvalue << " " << pis.eigenvector << std::endl;
double f(double x)
return exp(x) - 2 * x * cos(x) - 3;
double df(double x)
return exp(x) - 2 * cos(x) + 2 * x * sin(x);
using RFS = Numericc::Solutions::RootFindingSolution; // struct{double root, size_t iterations}
using namespace Numericc::RootFinding;
std::vector<double> bracket = {0,2};
auto a = bracket[0];
auto b = bracket[1];
size_t max_iterations = 50;
size_t accuracy = 5; // Scarborough criterion
RFS bisection = Bisection(f, a, b, max_iterations, accuracy);
double guess = 1.0;
RFS newton = NewtonRaphson(f, df, guess, max_iterations, accuracy);
double RHS(double x, double y)
return x + y + x * y;
/* struct { double X, Y // y (X) at X
double Xs, Ys // solution vectors up to X} */
using ODES = Numericc::Solutions::OdeSolution;
using namespace Numericc::ODE;
using namespace Numericc::ODE::RK;
double x0 = 0.0;
double y0 = 1.0;
double step = 0.025;
double x = 0.54;
ODES euler = Euler(x0, y0, step, x, RHS);
ODES rk4 = RK4(x0, y0, step, x, RHS);
using namespace Numericc::Interpolators::Newton;
using namespace Numericc::Interpolators;
std::vector<double> xv = { 45, 50, 55, 60 };
std::vector<double> yv = { 0.7071, 0.7660, 0.8192, 0.8660 };
double x = 52;
double lagrange = Lagrange(x, xv, yv);
double newtonBD = NewtonGregoryBD(x, xv, yv);
double newtonFD = NewtonGregoryFD(x, xv, yv)
numericc is a header-only library. Simply add the header files to your project using
#include "include/numericc.h"
The only dependency is a C++11 compatible compiler.
Evangelos Smyrniotis
MIT License