- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#342 opened by renovate - 0
Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
#397 opened by renovate - 0
Uploading grafana Teams, team ID not preserved
#385 opened by safaci2000 - 2
- 0
[FEATURE] Maintain UID when updating Dashboards
#296 opened by safaci2000 - 4
- 4
[BUG] Doc site search doesn't work
#331 opened by mickeypash - 5
- 2
feature: ListFolders: folders with invalid name should just be dropped, not cause a fatal error
#322 opened by aerickson - 0
[BUG] Remove feature flag for NestedFolders
#304 opened by safaci2000 - 4
[BUG] Unable to upload dashboard
#321 opened by nicolas63 - 7
Security advisory
#313 opened by techuser12345 - 3
[BUG] Configuration Loading issue
#317 opened by efflamlemaillet - 1
- 3
Is there an available gdg cli command to back up Grafana alert rules and contact points?
#307 opened by assiakhateeb - 1
Dashboard Permissions CRUD Support
#301 opened by safaci2000 - 0
Release CheckList for 0.7.0
#295 opened by safaci2000 - 2
[BUG] gdg backup
#279 opened by LuckySB - 0
Improve Org Switching Behavior
#277 opened by safaci2000 - 0
- 1
[BUG] api/user/orgs no longer works
#280 opened by safaci2000 - 0
Rename Exclude Filters
#289 opened by safaci2000 - 1
- 2
Working with Library Panels - missing details
#281 opened by techuser12345 - 2
- 1
- 0
upload password in datasource for Postgresql
#273 opened by avshvetsoff - 0
Upgrade Doks version
#244 opened by safaci2000 - 6
Upload should be idempotent
#250 opened by fingon - 0
#251 opened by safaci2000 - 1
Organization Properperties
#259 opened by safaci2000 - 0
Change Org Behavior to use name instead of ID
#254 opened by safaci2000 - 0
Example to costruct a secureJsonFields
#252 opened by sureshoss - 2
- 2
[BUG] `go install` failed with v0.5.2
#248 opened by hfudev - 7
[BUG] secureJsonData are not preserved on upload
#229 opened by kossioni - 1
Add Support for running backup as K8s CRONJOB
#240 opened by kisermichael - 8
- 0
Dashboard full Tags filtering Support
#236 opened by safaci2000 - 2
- 5
- 0
[BUG] Version Check Issue
#221 opened by safaci2000 - 10
[BUG] Unable to retrieve current organization
#224 opened by pinpox - 0
Grafana OpenAPI Updates
#233 opened by safaci2000 - 0
Switch to official Granfana OpenAPI client.
#217 opened by safaci2000 - 9
[BUG] Cannot upload node exporter dashboard
#226 opened by kossioni - 1
Dashboard Improved Preserve IDs
#211 opened by safaci2000 - 3
- 2
- 2
[BUG] renaming causes invalid cross-device link
#205 opened by darkobas