
A wrapper for Python's inbuilt SQLite with multithreading support.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A wrapper for Python's inbuilt SQLite with multithreading support.


pip install git+https://github.com/esoadamo/Python-SQLiteDB.git

Database usage

from sqlitedb import SQLiteDB
db = SQLiteDB('my.sqlitedb')
for record in db.execute("SELECT * FROM table"):

IndexedDB usage

This package also includes a class that allows you to use your SQLite db as a Python dictionary:

from sqlitedb import IndexedDBManager

# will use/create the db file
dictionary = IndexedDBManager('my.sqlitedb')

# will create a table db_test and there a row called foo with value bar
dictionary['test']['foo'] = 'bar'

# also support anything that can be jsonized
dictionary['test']['list'] = ['1', 2, True]
print(dictionary['test']['list'])  # prints ['1', 2, True]

# or anything, really (that can be serialized with pickle)
from threading import Thread
dictionary['test']['thread'] = Thread
print(dictionary['test']['thread'])  # prints <class 'threading.Thread'>

# and deleting
del dictionary['test']['list']  # deletes the record
del dictionary['test']  # drops whole table