
No need for paper money cards anymore

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Game money

An easy way to store your table game's money without having to use paper cards!

Installation and configuration

Anybody can run their own server and connect with their favorite web browser.

Installing own server

Clone the repository, install requirements and execute app.py, that's all!

git clone https://github.com/esoadamo/game-money.git
cd game-money
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py

And you should be running! By default, pointing your browser to the should be enough.

Browser support

Your browser is required to support HTML5 and WebSockets, so all popular modern browsers should be OK. Design of the web pages is mobile-first, but desktop users should not have any difficulties.

Adding own game type

There are two ways you can add your own game type.

  1. By modifying data/game-types.json. All updates made to this file will be uploaded to the database during next start of the server. This method is easier as you can see all presently used game types in one place, but keep in mind, that this file can be overridden by git at any time.
  2. By directly modifying the database. This method is more persistent, but may become unstable if the database schema is ever changed.

Public server

There is a public server available at https://money.adamhlavacek.com/.


Basic concept

When you connect with your web browser to the server, you will be asked to enter your name under which will the server recognize you. You may change your name in the future. The server will then save you in database and create a key for you under which will the server be able to identify you. This key is saved into your browser's local storage and is permanent.

The login process is automatic and consists only of sending saved login key to the server.

Upon entering the main page of the server, you will see a list of active games which are not hidden. Some of them may be password protected. You may enter by clicking on the row in the table.

You can also create a new game by clicking on the Create new game button under the table. If you choose this, you will be assigned a special player, called 'the bank' or 'infinite player', who holds special right to the game, such as possibility to hide the game from the list on the main page and infinite amount of money in every currency.

In both cases, you will be assigned additional player with the name same as your name on the main page. This player has limited resources and cannot go under 0.

You may also create additional players by pressing the + button next to the list of your players in the game. All these newly created players will be assigned to your user account and only you will be able to control them.

When you are in game, you can send money to other players in game by pressing the Send money button and then providing additional information.

Additional notes

  • the game itself cannot be deleted and can only be hidden from the main page by the so called 'bank' or 'infinite' player
  • you can change any name you like of any user/player you own by clicking on their name, but note that player names in the game have to be unique

Used technologies

  • Web pages are served using Flask
  • Communication is done by using Flask-Sockets on the backend and WebSockets on the frontend
  • Communication with the database is done with the help of Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • Code of web pages is using Flask's templates and JS Renderer and Bootstrap 3, of course


Can be found here.

JS Renderer

Source code: renderer.js

Is a minimalistic renderer created for use with this application. It's main goal is to help the developer with creating the web page by allowing him to write if and for statements right inside the HTML.

JS Renderer scopes

JS renderer has 4 main scopes that can be used inside HTML code:

  • v is an alias for renderer.variables
  • f is an alias for renderer.functions
  • w for assigning values of inputs (functions renderer.getValue and renderer.setValue)
  • l for local variables, created by for loops

JS Renderer attributes

  • r-if="condition" - only if eval(condition) is true, this element will be shown
  • r-for="number of [1, 2, 3]" - will create this element 3 times, with local variable number having values 1, then 2 and then 3
  • r-click="function(params)" - will execute given function on click on this element
  • r-attr="{"style": "val"}" - will set the attribute style of this element to eval(val)

JS Renderer example

The code

<h1 r-var="v.title"
    r-attr="{&quot;style&quot;: &quot;'color: ' + v.titleColor + ';'&quot;}">
    <li r-for="name of v.names">
        <span>Hello, <span r-var="l.name" r-click="f.myClick(l.name)"></span>!</span>
<input type=text r-val="w.myInput">
<button r-click="f.printValue()">Print value</button>
<p r-if="v.p1">
    This will be shown
<p r-if="v.p2">
    This will be hidden
const renderer = new Renderer();
renderer.variables.title = "Big title";
renderer.variables.titleColor = "green";
renderer.variables.names = ["Joe", "Bill", "Alice"];
renderer.variables.p1 = true;
renderer.variables.p2 = false;
renderer.functions.myClick = (name) => {alert(`I welcome you, ${name}`)};
renderer.functions.printValue = () => {alert(renderer.getValue('myInput'))};

will produce

<h1 style="color: green;">Big title</h1>
<ul>When you click on
    <li><span>Hello, <span>Joe</span>!</span></li>
    <li><span>Hello, <span>Bill</span>!</span></li>
    <li><span>Hello, <span>Alice</span>!</span></li>
<input type=text>
<button>Print value</button>
    This will be shown
  • after clicking on any name, the alert I welcome you, ${name} will appear
  • after clicking on Print value button, an alert with the content same as the value of the input will appear

Used media