
An example showing how to use the CommCare HQ Submission API

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Submission API Example

submit_data.py is an example script to illustrate how to use the CommCare HQ Submission API to create CommCare cases.

Code as documentation

To see how to use the CommCare HQ Submission API for your own use case, or in your own language, it is best to get an overview of the workflow, and then dive into the details.

Start at the main() function in submit_data.py. You will see that data is cast as cases, then rendered as an XForm, and finally submitted to CommCare HQ.

Notice the Case class to see what a case looks like.

The get_data() function is arbitrary. The script uses CSV because it is simple, but your use case is probably going to be different. The point is just to return data that can be cast as cases.

Take a look at xform.xml.j2 to see the structure of an XForm, and how case data is stored in it.

NOTE: This is a simplistic example that always creates new cases; it does not update existing ones. If this is not the behaviour you want, you will need to keep a record of cases that have already been created.

(If you would like to adapt this example not to try to create cases that have already been created, you can set the server_modified_on attribute for existing cases.)

NOTE: Another important use case for the Submission API is to submit form data that does not affect cases. That use case is outside the scope of this example, and is not covered by submit_data.py and xform.xml.j2. For more information, look at the Submitted Data examples in the Introduction to XForms section of the XForms W3C Recommendation. The XML in the examples would sit at the same level as the <meta> and <case> nodes in the XForm, as a child of the root <data> node.


  • Python 3.8+


  1. Clone this repository

    $ git clone https://github.com/dimagi/submission_api_example.git
    $ cd submission_api_example
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment

    $ python3 -m venv venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install required Python packages

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Set environment variables with your configuration:

    $ export CCHQ_PROJECT_SPACE=my-project-space
    $ export CCHQ_CASE_TYPE=person
    $ export CCHQ_USERNAME=user@example.com
    $ export CCHQ_PASSWORD=MijByG_se3EcKr.t
    $ export CCHQ_USER_ID=c0ffeeeeeb574eb8b5d5036c9a61a483
    $ export CCHQ_OWNER_ID=c0ffeeeee1e34b12bb5da0dc838e8406
    • CCHQ_CASE_TYPE is a name for the type of cases you will be importing. This is usually something like "person", or "site".

    • You will need your CommCare credentials: username, password and user ID. If you navigate to your user details page, you can find your user ID in the URL. e.g. "....commcarehq.org/a/my-project-space/settings/users/web/account/ c0ffeeeeeb574eb8b5d5036c9a61a483 /"

    • CommCare determines who has access to the cases that you import based on the location or mobile worker that is set as the owner. As you found your user ID, navigate to the details page for the mobile worker or location to get their ID from the URL.

  2. (Optional) Edit the script to set an XML namespace to identify your XForm submission, and a string to identify the origin of your data.

  3. Run the script:

    $ ./submit_data.py sample_data.csv