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eSolidar Toolkit

Toolkit for building eSolidar Projects.
eSolidar Storybook »

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Table of contents

Quick start

Steps to set up the project locally:

  • Clone the repo: git clone

Running toolkit locally

  1. Run yarn to install all dependencies.
  2. Run yarn storybook to start the storybook.
  3. Open http://localhost:6006 in your browser, and voilà.
  4. Tests
  5. Run yarn test to run all components tests.
  6. Run yarn test --coverage to run tests, coverage analysis and report.
  7. Run yarn test:lint to run eslint analysis.
  8. Builds
  9. Run yarn build-storybook to create a production build for the toolkit documentation.
  10. Run yarn build to create a production build for the package.
  11. Rum yarn build:publish to create a production build and publish the new version package.
  12. Run yarn clean to delete the build (lib folder) locally.

Before installing the package

  1. Create access token with [Permissions: repo / write:packages / read:packages / delete:packages].
  2. Add Token to global ~/.npmrc file. Open the shell and do C:>code ~/.npmrc to open the file, then add the following line: //
  3. Or login on the command line: npm login --registry=
  4. In the same directory as your package.json file, create or edit an .npmrc file to include a line specifying GitHub Package Registry URL and the account esolidar: @esolidar:registry=
  5. Run yarn add @esolidar/toolkit

Install Package

If you want to use our package, just follow these instructions:

Install from the command line:

yarn add -D @esolidar/toolkit

Install via package.json:

"@esolidar/toolkit": "LAST_VERSION"

Publish package

Steps to publish the package: Publish package and documentation is automatic, when was a merge to master an action will do it. To publish manually follow this steps:

  1. Update package.json and change package version.
  2. Update README file in all places where the version is referenced.
  3. Run yarn build-storybook to build and push the new library version to the storybook.
  4. Add all changes to git (pull/add/commit/push)
  5. Run yarn build:publish

Using Sass

This library uses sass, so it is mandatory that the React project has sass loaders.

Include the following import:

import '~@esolidar/toolkit/lib/assets/sass/main';

If you only want to include the style for the component you used, just include the scss of the component in question, ex:

/* Need to import variables as well */
import '~@esolidar/toolkit/lib/assets/sass/variables';
import '~@esolidar/toolkit/lib/assets/sass/footer';

To override the styles used in the library components, simply override the following sass variables:


Then, you must create a sass file in your project and include the following import: (variables before the library)

$mainColor : red;
@import '~@esolidar/toolkit/lib/assets/sass/main';


The eSolidar Toolkit documentation, included in this repo in the root directory on /storybook-static, is built with storybook. The docs may also be run locally with the command line build-storybook.

Copyright and license

©2020 eSolidar. All rights reversed. Code released under the MIT License.


  • Use env constants everywhere in the project