LMAO (Low-level Malbolge Assembler, Ooh!) is an assembler for Malbolge. It takes a program written in HeLL (Hellish Low-level Language) and converts it to Malbolge. Usage: ./lmao [options] <input file name> Unfortunately, there is no full specification of the HeLL programming language. However, at least a short overview is given at the end of this file. To start with HeLL, the following resources are recommended: - Beginner's tutorial: https://lutter.cc/malbolge/tutorial/cat.html - Examples written in HeLL that come with LMAO: - example_simple_cat.hell - example_simple_hello_world.hell - example_cat_halt_on_eof.hell - example_hello_world.hell - example_digital_root.hell - example_adder.hell The ordering above matches their complexity. Short overview of HeLL ---------------------- Sections: ".CODE" and ".DATA" Comments: One line: start comment with ";", "%", "#", or "//" Multi-line: start comment with "/*" and end with "*/" Blocks: Separated by blank lines that do not even contain a comment. Alternatively: surrounded by "{" and "}" At the begin of each block, the ".OFFSET" directive, or "@" for short, may be used. It must be followed by a number. Only use if really necessary. Examples: "@C1", ".OFFSET 40000". Labels: <<identifier>> followed by ":" Each block must start with a label (or with an offset definition followed by a label). .DATA cells may contain: ------------------------ Numbers: Decimal numbers (plain), ternary numbers (preceeded by "0t"), or one of the following constants: - "C0" = 0t0000000000 = 0 - "C1" = 0t1111111111 = 29524 - "C2" = 0t2222222222 = 59048 - "C20" = 0t2222222220 = 59046 - "C21" = 0t2222222221 = 59047 - "EOF" = "C2" ASCII characters enquoted with single quotes "'" can be used as well. Operators: Plus (+), Minus (-), Times (*), Divided (/), Rotate Tritwise Right (>>), Rotate Tritwise Left (<<), Crazy (!) Example for using operators: (0t1210>>1)-1 Don't care symbols: "?" or "?-" "?" reserves the cell, but the initial value is irrelevant. "?-" is an unused cell that may be used otherwise. Never access this cell in any way, or you may cause undefined behavior. Must not follow a label definition (in this case, use "?" instead). References to label: References may (but need not) be prefixed by a "R_" or "U_" modifier. The "R_" modifier is the same as incrementing the value by one. If the "U_" modifier is used, the prefixed reference must be followed by a further reference. The second reference must point to a label within the same block at a later memory position. The distance to this label is subtracted from the prefixed reference. Example for "U_" prefix: "U_ref foo 0 0 foo: 1" The value of 2 is subtracted from "ref". Strings: Use quotes. Supported escape sequences: "\r", "\n", "\t", "\\", "\"" "\0". The string may be followed by a comma and a value. In this case, the value will be placed between each character of the string. Example 1: "Test" is equivalent to 'T' 'e' 's' 't' Example 2: "Test", 42 is equivalent to 'T' 42 'e' 42 's' 42 't' Important note: Within the .DATA section, a label called "ENTRY" must be defined. The D register will point at this position when the program starts. The C register will point at any Jmp instruction. The value of the A register is not defined. .CODE cells must only contain xlat2 cycle descriptions ------------------------------------------------------ xlat2 cycle description: Either a single command (for non loop-resistant cells) or a cycle of commands separated by "/". Commands: "Nop", "Jmp", "MovD", "Opr", "Rot", "In", "Out", "Hlt" Abbreviation for "Nop/Nop": "RNop" (loop-*r*esistant _Nop_)
LMAO is a tool that builds Malbolge programs from the low-level assembly language HeLL.