
PV-GRIP (PV-Geographic Raster Image Processor)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

PV-GRIP (PV-Geographic Raster Image Processor)

Find a bird!

PV-GRIP is a distributed service that provides access to geospatial data and performs various computations relevant to photovoltaics (PV).

PV-GRIP originated as a fork of the open-elevation project. However, unlike the open-elevation, PV-GRIP features distributed computation and storage design, handles multiple data types and performs several PV simulations.

Distributed service design

The PV-GRIP consists of several components: webserver nodes (bottle), compute nodes (celery), storage nodes (cassandra and/or ipfs), message broker (redis).

The following figure demonstrates the interaction of those components.

The webserver listens to the user requests, starts tasks and serves results. The message broker assigns tasks among compute nodes and collects tasks' results. Furthermore, the broker implements the inter-node locking mechanism and a hash table containing records on the current user queries. The compute nodes execute various tasks. The storage nodes handle data exchange between the nodes and implements the spatial index.

PV-GRIP can be run on a single computer or multiple machines.

Below are provided examples and deployment instructions.


Here we assume that a machine has access to the webserver running on

The server timeout is 10 seconds. In this time, it either responds with a binary file or a json dictionary.

In case the task is being executed, the following message is returned:

{"message": "task is running"}

Query help

On a node with access to the webserver

> curl | jq -r .results

to see all available commands.

To query help on any particular command call

> curl | jq -r .results

Sample raster images

> curl

samples data from several data sources and produces a required output.

box argument defines area location in the format '[min_latitude,min_longitude,max_latitude,max_longitude]'. step defines pixel size (in meters by default).

For example,

> curl\?box='\[50.85910,6.07627,50.86033,6.07767\]'\&output_type='pnghillshade'\&data_re='.*NRW_Las.*'\&stat='max'\&step=0.5 -o kerkrade.png


Compute shadows

> curl

computes binary mask for shadow locations.

For example,

> curl\?box='\[50.85910,6.07627,50.86033,6.07767\]'\&output_type='png'\&data_re='.*NRW_Las.*'\&stat='max'\&step=0.5\&timestr='2020-07-01_06:00:00 -o kerkrade_shadow.png


Compute irradiance

> curl

computes irradiance raster map for a time and given atmospheric GHI and DHI values.

For example,

> curl\?box='\[50.85910,6.07627,50.86033,6.07767\]'\&output_type='pngnormalize'\&data_re='.*NRW_Las.*'\&stat='max'\&step=0.5\&ghi=500\&dhi=200\&timestr='2020-07-01_06:00:00 -o kerkrade_irr.png


Compute integrated irradiance

> curl

computes integrated irradiance over a period of time, provided GHI, DHI and timestamp.

To integrate irradiance over a certain period of time an additional file has to be supplied, where GHI, DHI and timestr are provided.

> cat > data.tsv
"ghi" "dhi" "timestr"
0 0 "2015-06-03_02:45:00"
0 0 "2015-06-03_02:50:00"

> curl -F data=@data.tsv
{"storage_fn": "ipfs_path:///code/data/results_cache/upload_a5e9a7bf6c5b1ea95fa337b2655a0f55"}
> curl\?box='\[50.85910,6.07627,50.86033,6.07767\]'\&output_type='pngnormalize'\&data_re='.*NRW_Las.*'\&stat='max'\&step=0.5\&tsvfn_uploaded="ipfs_path:///code/data/results_cache/upload_a5e9a7bf6c5b1ea95fa337b2655a0f55" -o kerkrade_int.png


Computation along a route

> curl

performs computations of effective irradiance along a given route.

For the route computation, box (e.g. '[-50,-50,50,50]') parameter specifies the minimum distance allowed from every observation point in the route to the edge of the sampled data (in meters). box_delta defines the maximum allowed box.

To compute route, a series of regions are sampled to cover every point along a route. Then, the effective irradiance is computed using the sampled topographical data.

For example,

> cat > route.tsv
latitude longitude timestr dhi ghi
50.8668 6.49331 2019-12-02_11:16:18 138.486 166.368
50.8668 6.49331 2019-12-02_11:16:20 138.486 166.368

> curl -F data=@route.tsv
{"storage_fn": "ipfs_path:///code/data/results_cache/upload_7eecd21d53dd5e42aa9cf2041cca2102"}
> curl\?tsvfn_uploaded="ipfs_path:///code/data/results_cache/upload_7eecd21d53dd5e42aa9cf2041cca2102"\&data_re=".*_Las.*"\&step=0.5 -o route_effective_GHI.tsv
> cat route_effective_GHI.tsv
latitude longitude timestr dhi ghi POA
50.8668 6.49331 2019-12-02_11:16:18 138.486 166.368 122.815861595034
50.8668 6.49331 2019-12-02_11:16:20 138.486 166.368 122.819899972226

Querying weather

> curl

queries various weather related parameters.

The weather data is queried from the copernicus data bank. For that one needs to register, obtain API keys, and set the in the config/pvgrip.conf

cds_url = https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api/v2
ads_url = https://ads.atmosphere.copernicus.eu/api/v2
cds_key = {UID}:{API_key}
ads_key = {UID}:{API_key}
hash_length = 6

The spatial resolution of the copernicus data is about 4x4 km^2, hence the data to query is assigned to different regions defined by its geohash. hash_length = 6 results in approximately 1x1 km^2 regions.

Querying irradiance data

Irradiance values can be queried using /weather/irradiance/route and /weather/irradiance/box.

For example,

> curl\?tsvfn_uploaded='ipfs_path:///code/data/results_cache/upload_...'
latitude longitude timestr region_hash GHI DHI
50.9048 6.40418 2019-12-02_11:00:50 127.728 174.786 u1h99d 170.766 130.254
50.9048 6.40417 2019-12-02_11:00:52 127.728 174.786 u1h99d 170.766 130.254

queries irradiance values along a given route.

> curl\?time_step='2minutes'\&box='\[50.865,7.119,50.867,7.121\]'
region_hash timestr region_latitude region_longitude GHI DHI
u1j13g 2019-07-01_10:00:00 50.86395263671875 7.1136474609375 830.28  146.592
u1j13g 2019-07-01_10:02:00 50.86395263671875 7.1136474609375 832.572 147.0

queries irradiance values in a given box.

See /api/help/weather/irradiance for a list of values that can be queried.

Querying reanalysis data

Various reanalysis values from ERA5-Land can be queries using /weather/reanalysis/route and /weather/reanalysis/box.

For example

> curl\?time_step='2minutes'\&box='\[50.865,7.119,50.867,7.121\]'
region_hash sample_hash timestr latitude longitude 10m_u_component_of_wind 10m_v_component_of_wind 2m_temperature
u1j u1j13u 2019-07-01_10:00:00 50.86944580078125 7.1136474609375 4.211197058849415 -0.9137861066780429 295.89421226672954
u1j u1j13u 2019-07-01_10:02:00 50.86944580078125 7.1136474609375 4.211197058849415 -0.9137861066780429 295.89421226672954

queries irradiance values in a given box.

CDS Climate Data provides a list of possible values that can be queried.

Type of output

The serve_type parameter in almost every query type instructs the webserver to return data in different formats.

  • serve_type=file (default) transmits a file

  • serve_type=path sends back a pvgrip path (similar to /upload output)

  • serve_type=ipfs_cid sends back a ipfs_cid that can be downloaded with ipfs. or viewed on a public service like https://ipfs.io/ipfs/Q...


The following subsection describe steps to deploy PVGRIP.


To run the PV-GRIP, each node should have a docker installed, with user privileges to run docker images (optionally, user privileges to set up network interfaces). Further, scripts below assume that tools curl, awk, jq, bc are present on the system.


PV-GRIP consists of several submodules. Make sure to clone all of them:

git clone git@github.com:esovetkin/open-elevation.git
cd open-elevation
git submodule update --init --recursive

Setting up network

It is recommended to set up an isolated network for communications between services. For our setup we utilise innernet based on the Wireguard, or hyprspace based on the libp2p.

Below it is assumed that each node has a network interface pvgrip set up, such that each node can reach another one within this network. Further, we assume that the node1 has an ip address, whereas the node2 has an ip address, etc.

Setting up cassandra storage

To start the first cassandra node on the node1 say

cd pvgrip/storage/cassandra_io
./scripts/start_cassandra.sh --broadcast=

Several arguments can be specified, e.g. mount point --mnt where the actual data resides, used --max_heap_size for the maximum RAM being allocated for cassandra. See more info using

cd pvgrip/storage/cassandra_io
./scripts/start_cassandra.sh --help

Before starting a second cassandra node, wait till the start up on node1 is over. Check if the startup is complete by saying

docker logs cassandra_storage | grep 'Startup complete'

To start the second cassandra node on the node2 say

cd pvgrip/storage/cassandra_io
./scripts/start_cassandra.sh --broadcast= --seed=

Setting up ipfs storage

IPFS storage consists of IPFS daemon, and IPFS-cluster. See ipfs_io REAMDE for more details.

When all pvgrip/storage/ipfs_io/secret are set up, it is sufficient to say

cd pvgrip/storage/ipfs_io

See further arguments in

./ipfs_io.sh --help

Building/Getting PV-GRIP images

Before starting with worker/webserver nodes a docker image should be present. To build the docker image say

./pvgrip.sh --what=build

Alternatively, a docker image can be pulled from the docker image repository:

docker pull esovetkin/pvgrip:latest

Setting up a worker/webserver node

A series of configuration parameters should be set up in the configs/pvgrip.conf file depending your network configuration.

The following specifies address of one of the cassandra nodes

ip =

as well as the address of the message broker node

ip =

The following line sets the interface where the webserver and message broker ports are binding:

interface = pvgrip

The following line

./pvgrip.sh --what=webserver

starts the webserver,

./pvgrip.sh --what=broker

starts the broker, and

./pvgrip.sh --what=worker

starts a processing node.


The server utilises Cassandra, IPFS and IPFS Cluster that stores distributed data and spatial index.

Uploading data

Unlike the original project multiple sources of data can be used. If multiple data sources are available for a given query, a dataset with higher resolution is selected.

To make some data available for a webserver it is needed to be uploaded. The data can be a collection of geotiff raster files (in arbitrary coordinate system) or a directory containing remote_meta.json file, specifying required information needed to query remote data.

To upload a new data, it should be placed as a subdirectory of the data/current directory. To upload data say

./scripts/upload_data.py data/current/<new data>

This will build an index and upload necessary data to the cassandra storage.

./scripts/upload_data.py data/current/

will process all data placed in the data/current directory.

All data should be placed in data/current directory.

Templates for remote data

templates directory contains examples of the remote_meta.json files defining the location of several data sources.

Preprocessing raster files



to preprocess data. That command converts splits files on smaller chunks (maximum is 3000x3000 pixels).

Some parts of the scripts depends on the version of GDAL being used (and also requires GDAL installed on the host machine). Without the GDAL the script has to be run from the docker image

#in docker image

Preprocess script creates a backup of the data using the

cp -rl data/current data/current.bak

Workers cache

When data is queried from the distributed storage, it is cached to a local node disk. The amount of the local cache is controlled by the following option in the configs/pvgrip.conf

limit_worker = 10
# amount in GB

Data replication in cassandra

The replication in the cassandra is controlled by the following options in the configs/pvgrip.conf [cassandra] replication = SimpleStrategy replication_args = {"replication_factor": 1} The replication_args must be a valid json string.

See more information on the replication in the cassandra here.

Data replication in IPFS

The replication in the ipfs storage is controlled by the arguments --ipfs-cluster-rmax and --ipfs-cluster-rmin of ipfs_io.sh script.


pvgrip and open-elevation:
- Jenya Sovetkin
- João Ricardo Lourenço
- ligi
- Chris Lukic

- Bart E. Pieters

- Leonard Raumann
- Neel Patel

- Nikola Balog


  • Be aware that all floating arguments are cached with 8 digit accuracy. Hence querying box [50,6,51,7] and [50.0000001,6,51,7] will yield the same results

  • Some jobs require a tree of operations to be completed. Two queries producing: "message: task is running" does not imply that the second query will complete its job. It means that the second query hit a task dependency that is already being run for the first query. This might require running query more than 2 times.

  • The value of a pixel of a raster image is selected as a maximum of all available data for this point. In case data is still missing in all datasets, the data is taken as a nearest neighbour from the generated raster image.

    Hence for more accurate shadows it is important to specify correct data_re argument.

  • For any non-laz remote data one has to specify stat="". For example, this applies for the aerial images:

    curl\?box="\[50.6053,6.3835,50.6085,6.3922\]"\&step="1"\&data_re=".*_Aerial"\&output_type="png"\&stat="" -o test.png