
One day I woke up hating myself and decided to learn some shitty esoteric programming language, so I made that abomination in Malbolge.

Primary LanguageC

This is the hell and i have one reason to make this


One day I woke up hating myself and decided to learn some shitty esoteric programming language, so I made that abomination in Malbolge.

pls if you apreciate you life, you time and you mental health, dont try this

Compiler in C (compiler.c)

this is in C so you can see how it works inside, and you can change someting to compile (you can use clang or another C compiler)

in my case i gonna use clang to compile the compiler.c

clang compiler.c -o execute.out
ls -lh                         


Execute the compiler of malbolge (execute.out)

after you decide if the default compile is fine, you can use it to compile the .mb or .mal file to make the third impact :D (im joking)

in this case my file is named as hollyshit.mal so i gonna execute

chmod +x is for grant permissions to execute in linux

chmod +x execute.out
./execute.out hollyshit.mal


how/where i can learn this shit??

bro you are crazy?

if your answer is "yeah im crazy" or something like that, i got you the solution...

