
An overpower wordlist generator, splitter, merger, finder, permutator, encoder, decoder.. Frustration killer. Customizable. The Wordlist Framework.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


An overpower wordlist generator, splitter, merger, finder, saver, create words permutation and combinations, apply different encoding/decoding and everything you need.

Frustration killer! & Customizable!


Cook is highly customizable and it depends on cook-ingredients. Cook Ingredients consists YAML Collection of word-sets, extensions, funcitons to generate pattern and wordlists.


Use Go or download latest builds

go install -v github.com/giteshnxtlvl/cook/v2/cmd/cook@latest

After installation, run cook for one time, it will download cook-ingredients automatically at %USERPROFILE%/cook-ingredients for windows and $home/cook-ingredients for linux.


Without basics, everything is useless.

Parametric Approach

You can define your own params and use them to generate the pattern. This will be useful once you understand methods

Save wordlists and word sets

Search Wordlist

cook search keyword

Reading File using Cook

If you want to use a file from current working directory.
Use : after param name.

cook -f: live.txt f


Methods will let you apply diffenent sets of operation on final output or particular column as you want. You can encode, decode, reverse, split, sort, extract different part of urls and much more...

  • -m/-method to apply methods on the final output
  • -mc/-methodcol to apply column-wise.
  • param.methodname apply to any parameter-wise, will example this param thing later.
  • param.md5.b64e apply multiple methods, this will first md5 hash the value and then base64 encode the hashed value.

All methods
    Apply different sets of operations to your wordlists

    sort                           - Sort them
    sortu                          - Sort them with unique values only
    reverse                        - Reverse string
    split                          - split[char]
    splitindex                     - splitindex[char:index]
    replace                        - Replace All replace[this:tothis]
    leet                           - a->4, b->8, e->3 ...
                                     leet[0] or leet[1]
    json                           - Extract JSON field
                                     json[key] or json[key:subkey:sub-subkey]
    smart                          - Separate words with naming convensions
                                     redirectUri, redirect_uri, redirect-uri  ->  [redirect, uri]
    smartjoin                      - This will split the words from naming convensions &
                                     param.smartjoin[c,_] (case, join)
                                     redirect-uri, redirectUri, redirect_uri ->  redirect_Uri

    u          upper               - Uppercase
    l          lower               - Lowercase
    t          title               - Titlecase

    fb         filebase            - Extract filename from path or url
    s          scheme              - Extract http, https, gohper, ws, etc. from URL
               user                - Extract username from url
               pass                - Extract password from url
    h          host                - Extract host from url
    p          port                - Extract port from url
    ph         path                - Extract path from url
    f          fragment            - Extract fragment from url
    q          query               - Extract whole query from url
    k          keys                - Extract keys from url
    v          values              - Extract values from url
    d          domain              - Extract domain from url
               tld                 - Extract tld from url
               alldir              - Extract all dirrectories from url's path
    sub        subdomain           - Extract subdomain from url
               allsubs             - Extract subdomain from url

    b64e       b64encode           - Base64 encoder
    hexe       hexencode           - Hex string encoder
               charcode            - Give charcode encoding
                                     charcode[0] without semicolon
                                     charcode[1] with semicolon
    jsone      jsonescape          - JSON escape
    urle       urlencode           - URL encode reserved characters
               utf16               - UTF-16 encoder (Little Endian)
               utf16be             - UTF-16 encoder (Big Endian)
    xmle       xmlescape           - XML escape
    urleall    urlencodeall        - URL encode all characters
    unicodee   unicodeencodeall    - Unicode escape string encode (all characters)

    b64d       b64decode           - Base64 decoder
    hexd       hexdecode           - Hex string decoder
    jsonu      jsonunescape        - JSON unescape
    unicoded   unicodedecode       - Unicode escape string decode
    urld       urldecode           - URL decode
    xmlu       xmlunescape         - XML unescape

    md5                            - MD5 sum
    sha1                           - SHA1 checksum
    sha224                         - SHA224 checksum
    sha256                         - SHA256 checksum
    sha384                         - SHA384 checksum
    sha512                         - SHA512 checksum

Multiple Methods

You can apply multiple set of operations on partiocular column or final output in one command. So you don't have to re-run the tool again and again.

To understanding the usage, suppose you read a blog, consider this one https://blog.assetnote.io/2020/09/18/finding-hidden-files-folders-iis-bigquery/.

cook -z shub_zip_files z.json[path].fb.sortu.smartjoin[c:_]

Direct fuzzing with FUFF

You can use generated output from cook directly with ffuf using pipe

cook usernames_list : passwords_list -m b64e | ffuf -u https://target.com -w - -H "Authorization: Basic FUZZ"

Similarly you can fuzz directories/headers/params/numeric ids... And can apply required algorithms on your payloads.


cook -dob date[17,Sep,1994] elliot _,-, dob

Create your own functions in cook-ingredients/my.yaml under functions:

Parsing Rules

Columns Separated by space
Values Separated by comma
Params You can give param any name, use - before anything to make it param -param value
Raw Strings Use ` before and after the string to stop cook's parsing. Useful when you need to use any keyword as a word.
Pipe Input Take pipe input using - as value of any param.
File Input Use : after param name to take file input. cook -f: live.txt f
Functions Can be called using params only.
Methods Can be used on params or on final output


Flag Usage
-a, -append Append to the previous lines, instead of permutations
-c, -col Print column numbers and there values
-conf, -config Config Information
-mc, -methodcol Apply methods column wise -mc 0:md5,b64e; 1:reverse
To all cols separate -mc md5,b64e
-m, -method Apply methods to final output
-h, -help Help
-min Minimum no of columns to print


Append line by line. So basically if you want to merge two lists line by line. Then use it. And as always you can append multiple columns using column



Something useful...

Repeat Operator

You can repeat a string horizontally or vertically.

  • Use * for horizontal repeating.
  • Use ** for vertical repeating.
  • And try this *10-1 or this *1-10.
  • Create Null Payloads and directly fuzz with fuff. cook **100 | fuff ...

Breaking Changes in veriosn v2.x.x

Version 1.6 and Version 2 have signifant breaking changes to improe the usability of the tool.

  • Previously columns was separated with colon. Now they are separated by space
  • Single cook.yaml file removed. Now there is folder.
  • URL support for yaml file and added sources with over 5500 wordlist sets.
  • File regex removed, now use .regex[] method for regex
  • Taking file input needs colon after param
  • -case flag removed, now you can use upper, lower and title
  • Added Methods
  • Removed charset and extensions, now they are in list
  • Simplyfied ranges


  • Add wordlists, wordsets, functions, ports and other things in cook-ingredients
  • Making raw string works like as it works in programming languages. Means better parser.
  • I don't know, you might use your creativity and add some awesome features. Or you can buy me a coffee