
Application for Android devices. Specifically, the application shows the incidence of COVID-19 in the Comunitat Valenciana. The app allows users to check the status of the COVID-19 of the different municipalities.

Primary LanguageJava

This is an example development of an Android Application.


Application for Android devices. Specifically, the application shows the incidence of COVID-19 in the Comunitat Valenciana. The app allows users to check the status of the COVID-19 of the different municipalities.

Basic development:

  • Reading the JSON file that will have the data and display the data of COVID-19 per municipality in an Activity.
  • To show the data in the Activity, we use either a RecyclerView.
  • To create a layout for each of the items in the list that will display the specific information of each municipality, the CardView is used.
  • Full information of any municipality in another activity
  • Menu for accessing main options on each activity:
    • Open Covid GVA web from MunicipalitiesActivity.
    • Open Location map from MunicipalityDetailsActivity.
  • Local report management system to the application that will be stored in an SQLite database:
    • Insert report through a Floating Button.
    • List reports in the Municipality Detail Activity (using a ListView).
    • Update report by clicking on one.
    • Delete report.
  • Municipalities list is now obtained through an HTTP GET request to the open data web service of the Generalitat Valenciana.

Optional development:

  • Order the municipalities by the cumulative incidence (they are ordered alphabetically by default).
  • Apply different colours of the rows if the cumulative incidence is low, medium, or high.
  • Spinner (dropdown list) to select ordering options.
  • Search bar to filter municipalities by name.
  • Using the GPS sensor to obtain the current location and employ it to get the municipality's name to include it in the report.
  • Retrieve the latest dataset from Generalitat Valenciana on starting.


Municipality list Filtered municipality list Municipality details Report details