
A product of Wildcard Corp. https://wildcardcorp.com

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Original work by wildcardcorp.com

For access to CastleCloud the hosted implementation, customizations, and demonstrations, please contact us at https://castlecms.io or https://wildcardcorp.com



Welcome to the main Castle CMS package!

This package does a lot of customizations to default Plone and without an installer, this package won't be very useful.

Until there is an installer, here are some of the things you'll need:

Feature List

In addition to Plone standard features...

  • Login/Lockout support
  • Content Archival to S3 Storage
  • Large files automatically moved to s3 storage
  • Redis cache support
  • Advanced content layout editor
  • Improved management toolbar
  • Intuitive content creation and organization
  • Elasticsearch integration
  • Search results are influenced by social media impact
  • Search result pinning
  • Celery task queue integration(asynchrous actions)
    • PDF generation
    • Video conversation
    • S3 interaction
    • copy pasting large batches of items
    • deleting large batches of items
  • Trash can
  • Advanced content tiles:
    • maps
    • videos
    • audio
    • sliders
    • galleries
    • Table of contents
  • Audio and Video content
  • Automatic conversion of videos to web compatible format
  • Search weighting based on popularity using google analytics API
  • Content alias management
  • Disqus integration
  • recaptcha integration
  • fullcalendar integration
  • Business metadata
  • Emergency notification system with SMS support
  • Preview content
  • map content
  • KML feeds
  • Social media integration with
    • twitter, facebook, pinterest
  • etherpad collaborative spaces support
  • strip metadata from files
  • be able to view site as another user
  • audit log, user activity reports
  • session management and inspector
  • analytics dashboard
  • de-duplication of uploaded images
  • recycle bin
  • 2-factor auth

Running tests

Assuming you have buildout properly installed to run the tests:

Xvfb :99 &
Xvfb :99 -fp /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc -screen 0 1900x1900x24 &
export DISPLAY=:99

To access the running selenium test server on port 55001:

ZSERVER_HOST= ./bin/test -s castle.cms

To specify custom firefox binary to match versions:

FIREFOX_BINARY=/opt/firefox/firefox ./bin/test  -s castle.cms

Non selenium tests:

./bin/test -s castle.cms -t \!selenium

Google Analytics Key File

  • Go to google api console
  • create new credentials - service account - p12
  • enable Analytics API api for credentials
  • fill out email with email provided and p12 file in castle api settings
  • use email for email you want to access and add it as an authorized user for the account in google analytics

Cron jobs

Castle utilizes quite a few cron jobs that should be setup.


  • bin/clean-plone-users: cleans disabled users
  • bin/social-counts: goes through all content and updates social media counts. Can be done monthly
  • bin/content-popularity: if GA setup, will get content statistics for popularity


  • bin/archive-content: Archive content and send out content warnings about content that will be archived
  • bin/empty-trash: Delete items that have been in trash for 30 days
  • bin/send-forced-publish-alert: Send update to admins about content that was forced published


  • bin/twitter-monitor: Monitor twitter for mentions of site