
Static mockup of Plone (html+js+css)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project (Plone Mockup) is an atempt to to modernize Plone's javascript story.

Check out examples and documentation at http://plone.github.io/mockup/

Alternatively, clone this repo and checkout the getting started section of the index.html, which will be much more up-to-date than the website.

The primary goals of this project are to:

  1. Standardize configuration of patterns implemented in js to use HTML data attributes, so they can be developed and without running a backend server.
  2. Use modern AMD approach to declaring dependencies on other js libs.
  3. Full unit testing of js

Here's a list of the javascripts included in Plone and the current status of converting them to the Mockup approach: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiJ1qTbr6NdMdDMzNVVqZ1ZIOGFZWHZDV1BPWnM4OEE#gid=0