
Source stories from the LIDA project in markdown format

Source stories from the LIDA project in markdown format

This repository makes available the source texts of stories from the LIDA project in Markdown format.


The following languages are included in the main LIDA Stories project:

ISO Language name
am Amharic
ar Arabic
ckb Sorani
en English
it Italian
kmr Kurmanji
nb Norwegian
nn Nynorsk
om Oromo
prs Dari
ps Pashto
pt Portuguese
so Somali
ti Tigrinya
uk Ukrainian
ur Urdu

For community translations of the LIDA story collection into other languages not included in the list above, see the Global LIDA project.


All stories in this repository are released under a Creative Commons license (for example, CC BY or CC BY-NC-SA). The specific license for each story is indicated in the metadata section at the bottom of the markdown file.