
Pokemon pokeapi scrapy demo project using spiders and simple yelds to save data in .csv files

Primary LanguagePython


Versão em português-BR

Pokemon pokeapi scrapy demo project using spiders and simple yields to save data in .csv files


Demonstrate how to fetch and crawl data from APIs REST using python. This Repository contains spiders that fetch and crawl data from REST APIs JSON responses and saves it to .csv files with headers.

How to DIY

clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/esperancaleonardo/scrapy-pokemon-web-crawler.git

create a python virtual env inside the repo, aside /crawler folder

cd scrapy-pokemon-web-crawler
python3 -m venv .venv 

activate the virtual env and install project requirements.txt

source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

on root folder of the project /scrapy-web-crawler, first run the list pokemons spider, using -o flag to create a .csv file to output and save data

scrapy crawl list_pokemons -L INFO -o pokemons_list.csv

it will create a .csv with the structure (columns) below:

pokemon_id pokemon_name pokemon_api_url
1 bulbasaur https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/1/
... ... ...

then, on the same folder, run the pokemon spider to crawl pokemon info of all pokemons in the crawled .csv file

scrapy crawl pokemon -L INFO -o pokemons_info.csv

it will create a .csv with the structure (columns) below:

id name order base_exp sprite hp attack defense speed height weight
1 bulbasaur 1 64 45 49 49 45 7 69

Create new spiders to fetch other routes

generate the spider inside this repo folder

scrapy genspider <spidername> <domaintocrawl>

it will create a .py file with the spider given name and a spider template inside /spiders folder

import scrapy

# generated with  'scrapy genspider myspider exemple.com'
class MyspiderSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'myspider'
    allowed_domains = ['exemple.com']
    start_urls = ['http://exemple.com/']

    def parse(self, response):

Stack in project

Python version: 3.10.5

Libraries: pandas@1.4.3, scrapy@2.6.1

