- 1
ERROR Error binary size: Error: ESP has been flashed with wrong flash size. Please choose the correct 'board' option (esp01_1m always works) and then flash over USB.
#601 opened by Tokn59 - 1
Cannot connect to hidden SSID
#599 opened by terencefaul - 2
witty cloud with LDR and RGB
#598 opened by lpt2007 - 2
Ok, now I understand, so you want to have all three units show up as sensor at the same time.
#596 opened by Airfranse - 1
Returning NAN when using id.value
#594 opened by kcarriello - 1
esptool.FatalError: Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header
#595 opened by Gelesa - 7
GPIO output behaving weird when using delay
#389 opened by AlexDanault - 3
cant connect to home assistant
#391 opened by sandro-defender - 33
sliding_window_moving_average causes boot looping.
#394 opened by tomlut - 0
Unable to specify certain IP's as sntp server
#395 opened by meijerwynand - 5
- 2
Default 'ON' time / Reset delay timer
#401 opened by meijerwynand - 2
Lib_deps:AsyncTCP@1.0.3 compiling error
#402 opened by voicevon - 7
Can not use previous version
#403 opened by tomlut - 5
rising/falling edge detect on hlw8012
#406 opened by quazzie - 3
Can't compile and can't load up
#407 opened by flemming-pr - 3
- 2
How to Automation
#413 opened by Odianosen25 - 2
- 2
[New integration] H801 Wifi LED control
#420 opened by h0jeZvgoxFepBQ2C - 1
SD card support
#422 opened by psbaltar - 1
- 2
MQTT Causing A boot loop
#429 opened by agengler11 - 1
ESP32 Hostname not working
#435 opened by kroon040 - 3
Support for ACS712 Current Sensor
#439 opened by bgoll - 1
- 1
Multiple concurrent OTA
#442 opened by pauly7300 - 1
Custom Sensor Component name does not get used
#445 opened by J4nsen - 1
tsl2561 IR Daten
#446 opened by DunklesKaltesNichts - 6
force sensitive resistor
#447 opened by stoneobscurity - 8
Individual addressable leds in pixel strips
#448 opened by mvturnho - 1
Custom Fan Speeds
#450 opened by deerhunter91 - 1
- 4
restore_mode option doesn't restore switch state
#460 opened by vevsvevs - 3
wifi domain config option is ignored, causing name resolution to fail for domains != .local
#462 opened by xlfe - 10
- 1
esp32_ble_tracker scan_interval not used correctly
#464 opened by njbuch - 1
- 0
PMSx003 does not work
#470 opened by hajdbo - 5
MQ-2 Sensor.
#479 opened by BrownC0de - 5
- 1
Error in HA since 0.86
#491 opened by escoand - 1
ESP32 goes to boot loops with option exrire_after
#500 opened by egrekov - 2
Error OTA update ESP8266 12e
#513 opened by Maikl3 - 1
MIC sensor, status fast change
#547 opened by BrownC0de - 1
esphomeyaml showing terminated process
#549 opened by eramanaraju - 1
esp32 access point not enabled
#550 opened by eramanaraju - 1
- 7
Switch as light
#418 opened - 0
#499 opened by OttoWinter